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noticed lurcher bitches eye was blinking early on, checked to see if there was anything in there, nothing and gave around the eye a wipe with some cotton pads/water..



its starting to swell at the moment, anyone on at this time able to advise other affective methods of treating the eye,


if its no good in morning will get on phone to vets

Edited by Joe1888
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Sounds like a stick in the eye, not long happened to mine. I had a good look in there straight away and there was a bit of bark around the size of half a 5p. I got that out with a twisted up rizla and washed the eye out with bottled water. She was right as rain a few days later.


What did the vet say?

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Something may have got stuck right behind the eye ball itself, and impossible to see. If it doesn't improve soon I'd get the dog to the vet so they can squirt some anaesthetic drops in the eye and have a good look behind the eye ball. One of my dogs once got a grass seed stuck right behind the eyeball, and because it was so sore she wouldn't let me have a good look. The vet numbed the eye with drops and was able to see just a tiny bit of a grass seed under the lid. It was a big seed and had to come out very slowly and carefully indeed because it had already started to break down after only 24 hours. Never take chances with eyes.

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Didnt go to the vets in the end, it seemed abit better in the morning but the blinking soon returned once the light was on.. decided to give it the rest of the day and it improved, green discharge appeared 3 times since, needed to be removed and cleaned. seems ok now, swelling has gone and it isnt bothering her now. Thanks for the help :thumbs:

Edited by Joe1888
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Didnt go to the vets in the end, it seemed abit better in the morning but the blinking soon returned once the light was on.. decided to give it the rest of the day and it improved, green discharge appeared 3 times since, needed to be removed and cleaned. seems ok now, swelling has gone and it isnt bothering her now. Thanks for the help :thumbs:

All's well that ends well..... :thumbs:

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