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We call those drocs mate ,they hold and usually quick affair too .ATB FD

Round me they range from 10inch to about 5 foot diameter and 20 - 40 foot long I know most spots from when I had long dogs

Edited by leethedog
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First dig to young Joe today nice little one hole spot under an earth floored barn around 1m 20 minutes in all the lad done me proud

Don't even consider blocking one end. Not only is it illegal but it will result in the young terrier taking un-necessary damage. Silly advice. A young terrier needs to always think that it has won. A

Had the dogs out on exorcise this morning just mooching around a couple of spots had young Joe off lead and collared up past a pipe that he sometimes shows interest in the nose went down and in he fle

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There's a man made shore that we do and have done for years with great success.A couple of year back we put a dog of mine in [LUGS] and he bolted a fox but the lurchers missed it and it got back in the shore again.This shore was usually a straight forward affair,in 1 end out the other,about 100yds in lenght.The lads again took up positions with the lurchers but this time after half an hour nothing so on with the locater to find the terrier.I moved up and down the lenght of the shore but not a thing,not even the slightest mark.We then decided that it had to be the locater that was f****d as the coller had only new battereys installed that very morn so i headed for the van which was parked up in the yard about another 100 yds away the top end of the shore.I was still messing with the BnF when i started to get a signal,i was about 40 yds of the dog but was geting closer as i neared the gable of the farmers house.I came to where the farmer had dug a shore to bring services to a new part of the house and got a mark of 2mtr and when i jumped down into the trench i could clearly hear the dog just at the side of the bank and after pulling away a few rocks revealed both dog and fox.The farmer had broke through the old shore to bring in his services but you could clearly see where the original old shore carried on down towards the field at the front of his house.I also remember a dog belonging to Neil Cooney in this same shore years ago and same story only it was the old knocker boxes back then and we did not locate the dog,he eventually came out hours later with all the signs that he had killed his fox.We have done this place hundreds of times and them are the only couple of mishaps we have had.

You could write a small book on that particular drain Fatman.

My fathers lurcher was killed at it but proved how game he was before he died and your little lakeland , Tiny, and one of my own terriers all had there last hunts there.

Then there's the time four foxes bolted out of it and none accounted for, LOL.

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Took young Joe to a couple spots today nothing home in n the handy puppy place im ashamed to say out of frustration I took him to a bigger spot and he flew in and found after about 20 minutes and bayed for around 10 minutes after which time they moved .after a further 5 or so minutes Joe popped up on the other side of the earth just to drop my in a different eye a further 5 minutes he showed again looking confused so I leaded him up and left

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