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Stalking Thursday Eve

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Decided on a look out with my son to a small place i have .Farmer mentioned a litter of cubs so sat up to see what showed .Long and short was no show for a fox but i did glass a buck out on a meadow below us and as ive not had one from here yet i decided to take a look .A very nice buck with a young doe .Another buck in the same field too .This is usually the time of year when they get a bit recluse so to see two was a real bonus .Both sixes and not much in them to so the nearest buck was my chosen quarry . The stalk up to a shootable position was slow with my son looking on from a gateway .Crawled in to about 70 yds in a field of mainly thistles it has to be said .Couldnt see enough to shoot at from the gateway hence the crawling .The buck was uneasy about something and barked ,ran the the hedge and provided a shot albeit 3/4 on .Took the front leg out and exited through last rib off side just missing the green .A very good buck it turned out ,a medal for sure .20140703_2156501.jpg[









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it was a nice Buck but the bullet entered through the last rib and exited the shoulder shoulda gone to spec savers......lol Big boy though Haunches went 7.5lb each with a good covering of fat,he was definitely king of the hill.



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