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Pointer Hunting Rabbits

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It's the time of year when the country side is alive with rabbits and I am bringing on a young pointer pup of 4.5 mnths the dig is doing very well rangeing nice and is trained to the whistle sit stay and retrieve this is my first experience with a pointing dog or in fact a gundog in genre my question is the dog is scenting rabbits mad which at first I was pleased that he had found his nose but now I'm kind of thinking will their be a flip side to this in regards to hunting birds all info well come as I said I am a novice to the bird dog game.

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ive got a german short hair pointer bitch 1st gun dog ive had aswell ive cheated abit though shes already trained up to a degree i work lurchers and terrier so this is all a new world to me as well mate im just learning as i go along

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He needs to be focused on you at that age not hunting, you will very easily end up with a useless dog that will be in the next county when you let him off the lead. avoid rabbits like the plague until he is rock steady. Especially this time of year as he might catch one and then your well and truly buggered.


I wouldn't even exercise him with other dogs off lead until you are confident he will come back or respond to the whistle. GSP are headstrong dogs.


This is the time when you have the best chance of making or breaking the dog


Good luck mate

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Thanks for all the comment's people think I am going to keep him out of the fields for a while it's a bad time of year to be bumping into rabbits and all the fields that dont have rabbits are full of crops so stick the roads in regards to exercise for now

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I just saw something on YouTube were gwp was used to point on deer that got me to looking and finding out at one time they were used for other game then birds I was just wondering if a person was not a bird hunter could could a pointer dog but used to find other game like rabbit the reason I ask is for rabbit it would be possible to have one point on it and take it with my 22 instead of runing them with hounds and having to use a shotgun that mess up the meet

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