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Scope Not Accurate

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For many yrs I had a lower priced scope up to 2 yrs ago when I bought the 2nd gen Swarovski z6i BT all has been well up to 3 weeks ago when I had a call from a land owner who had a rogue fox he wanted rid of, 6 am the following morning I was there and after watching said fox for 10 mins at a range I've been taken many a deer about 120 yds I took a shot and the fox ran towards and across the field and stopped 100 yds looking around. I took another shot and he ran off again.


Yesterday in the middle of a field I set up a large bit of ply and stood it up with a 1 inch dot in the middle and had 2 shots both 6 inches high and 5 inches left. I made adjustments and put a hole on the edge of my mark.


Today I was out on rabbits and took deer rifle and when I finished I put the same board up and in the dip of the field I drew another dot and had one shot and didn't even hit the board.


I was going to take the scope off reset it and start again, it all feels tight but I need to start again at 50 yds.


I thought these top end scopes were not effected by atmospheric conditions.

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sounds like the mounts are playing up, my first rifle was a howa and as part of the deal the mounts were included,so i put on my zeiss 7x50 it shot ok for a while but then the zero ws all over the pl

But that wont tell you if the scopes fuc*ed see if, after you have wasted time and perhaps money on having it cleaned, if he will lend you a scope to try, if your rifle groups fine with a new scope, y

Update: Gunshop phoned today there were a few issues, Mounts, he said they were ok but not the best and not seated very well, so he has swapped them over. The tape had got pushed under the barre

sounds like the mounts are playing up, my first rifle was a howa and as part of the deal the mounts were included,so i put on my zeiss 7x50 it shot ok for a while but then the zero ws all over the place, turned out one of the screws had sheared off.

if mounts are ok send the scope back to swarovski they most likely will send you a replacement to use while yours is being checked out

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Phil , the good thing with Swarovski is their back up service , it really is second to none .If its not the mounts send it back to Swarovski their turn around is normally very quick & unless its something you have done (unlikely ) its free

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Have you tried all of the stock bolts,and if it is a wood stock then is the barrel still floating,test it with a bit of paper run up around the barrel to see if it runs right up to the action


Good luck......Martin

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But that wont tell you if the scopes fuc*ed see if, after you have wasted time and perhaps money on having it cleaned, if he will lend you a scope to try, if your rifle groups fine with a new scope, you know the problem, if not, then you can start the process of elimination, but the scope should be the first (and easiest option) thing to suspect, good luck and let us know how you get on.

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I took it in today and the gun shop said it could be a number of issues, but he doubts it will be the scope, he said they have sold many many z6i and never had one back. He said it could be the rails but doubts it as it has been fine, I have camo tape on the stock he said the barrel should float and the tape won't help, but he thinks looking at black around the moderator the bullet could be clipping the mod on exit. He is going to clean, remove tape, ensure the gun is all ok and I will try again.


Cheers for all your suggestions but I'm just glad this is happening now, I would be well stuck if it was nov, if anything it's teaching me I need another rifle so if anyone is thinking of selling I may be looking for a spare a bit bigger than 243 open for suggestions.

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Well I think he is talking crap mate, scopes how ever well built DO fail, why would the bullet be clipping the mod now if it did not before? Answer, shoot a group without the moderator, why would tape on your stock affect the barrel free floating? No I still think your problem is the scope, as I said before, try a different scope, then you will know, he probably cant be arsed returning it to the manufacturers for you if it is faulty, if the bullet was clipping the moderator, due to it coming loose, you would see copper from the bullet where it had touched, not a black mark, we have not touched on other possibilities, like your cleaning regime, or the crown being damaged due to you leaving the moderator on after shooting (not saying you do by the way) zero without moderator, then try another scope, and dont clean your rifle between zero sessions, and if you really must go a bit bigger than the venerable .243, .25-06 will exceed all your expectations by far.

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