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Pcp Decisions!

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Well, I'm a keen air gunner, i suppose thats a good place to start!


ive had a few springers through my life, now currently have a BSA supersport in .22, although very tidy gun, it just doesnt compare to my step dads old AA S410c , so ive been looking through forums at what guns are ideal, im after a pcp (hense the topic title) but im not sure what direction to go with it..


Ive read endless posts of the S410 being an amazing rifle... but then the barrels are thin with a low shot count and an iffy trigger? what is it about the triggers thats a bit sh*t? then i look at the BSA r10 which again people have said amazing things about, but then they've also had bad things, but apparently in the older models? with the newest being tip top with double the shot count of the s410.


so the question is... for a multishot PCP, is it the s410 or the r10 that trumps up? or is there another rifle in a similar price range im missing?


Do i go for brand new or second hand? with new is the warrenty worth it? or are repairs on second hand rifles not too bad cost wise?


ive also read about... Tench and Ben taylor regulators? what is it they do exactly? keep the shot power consistent?




i was looking on the 'air gun centre' website (no advertising intended) :D and both guns have the option of Hawke Eclipse 3-12x50 AO IR Mil-Dot or Hawke Eclipse 4-16x50 AO IR Mil-Dot ... which is more ideal for hunting and why? or are both bad and i should get it without a scope and buy one seperately?




i read alot, but i dont have a lot of experience which is hopefully where you guys come in!

im going to go to my local gun store and shoulder a few as you mightve guessed, ive read the s410 is slightly lighter. so ill see what fits, and hopefully the one that fits best will be the better gun in your experience! as i dont really want to make a wrong choice, especially if i go the finance route! but who knows for now!


Thanks for reading!


Edited by Bradley943
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ohhh... another load of money! so if you look at this, would the scopes suffice, or would i be better off getting it without the scope and buying third party? thanks for your input though! just trying to understand why it is a hw 100 is better, rather than just throwing a load of money at the hobby, kinda of like one of those "all the gear no idea" kinda people! :laugh:

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Hi. Can't speak for the other rifles but the s410 is a cracker, you say you're concerned about the low shot count, mines a .177 carbine and you easily get 60 and then some which isn't a bad nights hunting. Yes the barrels thin but its well supported by the barrel band and if you do knock it out of alignment its easy to loosen the grubs screws on the band and realign. I personally can't fault the trigger on mine but the general consensus is that they benefit from a strip down and polish of the sears which is a relatively simple job. Finally new/ 2nd hand and is the warranty worth it, if you can find a good 2nd hand especially pre anti tamper get it, if not new ones are good rifles for the price but don't expect miracles out of the warranty, most are not worth the paper they're printed on. ☺

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3-9 would do it but no harm with more mag. I always shoot on a fixed mag anyway. I see which mag the milldot is is exactly aligned with at my zero range of 35yds then keep it fixed. Less margin for error at longer ranges

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