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How Long Does A Ferret Stay In Season

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Hi there how long do they stay in season ,the reason I ask is I've got two Jill's in season in with my hobbled hob and they seem to have been in season for weeks I am not sure if he's doing the dirty deed any help much appreciated atb rob

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They will stay in season till the days get shorter if you dont do something about it , but putting a snipped hob in with them i would expect to see the swellings go down in ten to fourteen days

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Thanks for the replys ,when I say hobbled I don't know if he's been vasectamised or castrated I got him off my sister but will find out,atb rob

A quick way top tell is have a look if he has testicles, if not then he has been castrated.



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Hobbled usually means his two back wheels are off so it will be easy to see if they are still there. If his balls are off he is no use for taking the jills out of season so you will need to get a lend of a vasectomised Hob or get the jills the jab at the vet. Failing that they are going to stay in season all summer my friend and that can lead to infections, going out of condition or worse in a few cases.

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  • 1 month later...

OK fellas thanks for the replies turns out my hob has no knackers but since my last post about a week later I went out on a lads do and my missis said she would feed the ferts for me anyhow she didn't put the top on properly and my fichy Jill got out well after a lot of appeals on fb and word of mouth I got her back three weeks later and found five miles away ,after someone's chickens and in a sorry state .the woman took her to a local vets and I picked her up from there,now I have a question for you people when she legged it she was in full season and I've had her back now for a couple of weeks and all the swelling has gone down and she appears to be getting quite a bit heavier what's the chances she preggers ,when we put the word around trying to find her I couldn't believe how many ferts people were finding in our area must have 5 or 6 atb rob

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She may have been caught when she escaped was the back of her neck marked. ( yes and she had lumps n bumps all over her head from ticks ,something's defiantly had hold of her,she's was very subdued as well but she's getting back to her old self,this is her first season ,love been trying to find a snipped hob down here to put with her sister ,she's still in full swing ,atb rob
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