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My New Jack Russel Help Anyone

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Sounds like the pup only lacks confidence...don't forget that everything is alien to her at the minute. She'll soon come round with age and the confidence will grow day by day. In another 6 months you'll feel a right tit when she's flying through cover wondering why in the hell you posted on here about it. Most terriers/terrier types will bush. The trick is not to rush them and let em find their own pace at entering. atb stabba

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was wondering the same with mine, the oldest pup is bout year now an the penny has finally dropped. Gets better every outting now. I take him out with only bushing dogs coz I found he would stay with the lurcher instead of entering the cover before. Stick to it an the pup will be fine

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You have had some good advice on here. I rescued my terrier at 7 months from a pet home, he had never been walked and didn't even know his name, couldn't cross puddles, got lost in long grass etc. Basically like an 8 week old pup in a great big body. It took some work and some time with my friends bushing pack but he turned into a really good dog, does everything I want, bushing, ratting, flushing and more. His only failing is that I never managed to break him to ferrets which is a real shame. I would recommend getting the ferret thing and the bonding done first, then get her used to being out and about in the country. As a pet she may have never actually been out of town. The hunting will follow soon enough. If you get a chance get out with a good bushing pack, she will blossom in no time :thumbs:

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