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Camouflage, now thats an awesome topic Outlaw P, f**k trying to paint a flektarn mind...


When OTC mentioned dpm being desingned for dusk/dawn, I can sort of remember that once when I was reading up about camo, there was a reference to lessons learnt from vietnam, it was saying something along the lines of, the solid black (highlighted by the outline) of the rifle standing out, even with low light and the shadows of the jungle, now this makes me wonder if dying traps black is really such a good idea when there is the alternate of dying it a brown (then maybe streaking it with a lighter or darker shade of brown and/or olive drab)


Big fan of camo rig an all, seen this one video of a matey who had the american ACU (Originally bluey gray digi cam) but had dyed it brown with hulls, really blended in when the leaves started to fall, might be something to think about in the future.


Will have a look for a picture...



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Well, that was satisfying. Got up, today. Sorted all my usual shit out. Then, I thought;   " F**k it! Why go and sit there, reading round and round a bunch of bloody fora, all day? What about those

Actually, I believe it was all a cunning ruse. Imagine it;   " Hey, Abdullah? I'm f**king sure I've just seen a Pink f**king Land Rover, bristling with machine guns! "   " What?! Mohammed; Have yo

I'm thinking a fair bit about this, Venum. It's the actual traps themselves that are troubling me.   Ye see, I use water based fence stain on the boxes. Run out of black now, so they just get a las

Boom... This isnt the one but sure you can get the jist eh




Keep smiling, two more sleeps till friday (Well maybe a few more for most of the old boys on here...)


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Venum; Sorry, mate. Had shit loads on and got dragged away for a bit there.


F**k yeah though. Those two jackets? Ye wouldn't be seen dead in the browned down one, eh? :D And those strides? F**k me; If it wasn't for the coat hangers, I think ye'd need to point them out! :laugh:


Yeah. I agree with the rifle barrel analogy. There's precious little black and dead straight in nature.


Oh! By the way; Those sample pots are €4.00 each! Any colour I like. F**k me! At That price, I could conjure up half a dozen of them and have a Feast of colours!


Point of fact; Look at Mr TeaPot and his 'One Green' traps! Set amongst fallen leaves?! Might as well be fluorescent f**king orange! One anything doesn't cut it, in my book. As OTC says; We're still presenting those hard lines. F**k that.


Just to add to that thought? As an SAS guy said of jungle warfare and skin cammo; 'We didn't care if it was Tiger Stripe. Jungle Pattern or Mary Poppins; As long as it completely covered Everything.'


The slightest glint of what shouldn't be there Can stick out like a punch in the mouth. As much as a collection of hard, straight lines in some grassy green on a bed of dead leaves.


No. Once upon a time ~ not so very long ago, actually; I had a nice little collection of cammo colours. Tiny little tins I used to buy in a specialist paint selling shop. I think I'll recreate that now. If I can find the right shades on the colour charts available to me these days.


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Ah ne bother at all and aye mate, think they ACU's are a good shout, gonna have a dick for some on eBay for something to do this summer ;D


Some been lots of wisdom gained by the SAS (Military in general) , didn't belive it when one of my marras was saying they used to paint there wagons pink for op's in the desert but it worked! Heared of the five S's before...



Shine (Texture)




Movment (Sure this don't relate to trapping un till it's too late...)


Four euro a tin, where the f**k are you picking these up from, back of a lorry!? Haha


Starting to think about using some Grey's, was looking at trees as I passed some today and they where looking more Grey than Brown :/


Keep smiling,


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LRDG / SAS " Pink Panther " Land Rovers? Ye'd better believe it! ;) But, then, who are We to judge? I'd imagine neither of us have ever actually looked out across the Actual deserts this colour inspired?


Lets face it; We tend to lump " Desert " into " Sand ", " Hot " and " Yellow ". About as banal as saying " Trees are green and the sky is blue. ", of course.


But, anyway ..... Yeah. My sample tins? Only a dear little amount to them. But, when ye wanting to put a few strikes on a BG, how much f**king paint do ye want?


Like I say; Discerning the shades to go for will be the tricky bit. And this brings us back to the Scorpions. It's great to stand there, in a hardware shop, blabbing out what shade of green ye want.


It's a right f**ker, when ye get it home. Paint ye latest project in it. Stick it out there. And can then clearly see it, from 200 f**king yards away!!! :icon_eek:


I know it. I've Done it, mate! Look out at that worthless f**ker every day now. But, I'm F**ked if I'm going back up there, just to fetch the worthless f**ker down. Sooner f**king Shoot it down!


Gray? Now we're talking! Silver birch are probably a thing simply best avoided altogether, look. But; What about Ash trees?!? :icon_eek: Three out of five trees, around me, are ash. And Holly takes up some slack. Everything between 'dirty white' and 'chocolate mint chip' to be found there.


Delicious! And a cammo painters nightmare!


I've spent Years casting sideway glances at ash trees, Venum. The bast@rds just shoot a look back at me, and I cower. I'm just not up to it, mate. They have the drop on me :(


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I think that before going all "Picasso " on something you really need to think about what your trying to achieve and the real purpose of your paint job....we all like to do things well but you could easily spend much more painting something than you did actually purchasing it.....

Me personally , I paint my traps / cubbies ect but if I can do enough to stop them catching any unwanted attention or raising suspicion then that's good enough for me.., infact, most of my paint jobs are for added longevity rather than concealment ...

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Naah. Like I say, Herry; It's as much a hobby in itself, with me. I derive pleasure out of the f**king about. Trying out different effects and colours.


There's no bugger around here to see my gear anyway. I could paint it all day glo orange and it's make no difference.


I'm just looking forward to the day when I approach something I've worked on, and stand there, thinking; " Now, where the f**k did I put that?! " :laugh:

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Well if I had, I would of never of been looking for pink landrovers that's for sure :p


That's it bud, four euro is a drop in the ocean for the amount of jobs you could do and am well into the same mind set of actually enjoying doing a good job, maybe am an easily pleased man, it's no skin off my nose and if it's getting results, well...


Haha, think we should both have a pop at they Grey's and worse case we would, at the least, learn what NOT to do from each other :p Maybe decide on a few of the right shades for locations an all.


Aye Heritage, painting for me is three fold, your spot on with the two point's of adding longevity and concealment, these are in my eyes the most important and overall, the actual points of prepping (traps, cubbys, wires, gear, whatever really) but like Outlaw P said, it's the actual pleasure of pulling it off.


Rahaha, next time your out P get a picture of this box, could always do with a giggle (shot holes optional... ;)


Be lucky,


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Well if I had, I would of never of been looking for pink landrovers that's for sure :p



Actually, I believe it was all a cunning ruse. Imagine it;


" Hey, Abdullah? I'm f**king sure I've just seen a Pink f**king Land Rover, bristling with machine guns! "


" What?! Mohammed; Have you been on the fermented camel piss again??? "

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Well, I'm itching to get back into town now. I desperately need a better stock of colour cards.


I was helping Pat clear a ditch, today. As he swiped his chain saw about like a mad man, he said how the ivy was destroying about every tree in the country.


Fair point. Trees, here, certainly Do seem to get that dark green blanket coverage. This may vex the shit out of Pat. It suits me though. Ivy is a damn site easier to replicate than the bare trunk of a f**king ash tree!


Ash trees, Venum, are where our grays will come into it. Young trees show a sort of 'off white', banded with reddish green browns. Mature ones have that highlight of ..... well; Ash gray about the bark.


Anyway, I need more greens. And, of the three places in town that sell paint? One has stopped mixing it altogether. One mixes ~ but I've never noticed any colour cards in there. Main place has binned at least one, major, colour card stand. And the other has been relegated to a neglected little shambles! :icon_eek:


I wonder if I could get Fleetwood or Crown to sling me their range of cards? When the feeling's upon me, I wander about the place with a pocket full of the things. Thrusting them into vegetation of various sorts, ages and stages. Trying to find that shade that doesn't show.


Bugger of it all is that I've never kept records, or even old paint tins. I think I'll now have to strive to build up a catalogue of trade names, codes and colours. Share them here.


G. Waters and Woodga famously champion their " Vauxhall Leaf Green " (I believe it is?) Fine. But, things are darker than meadow grass, where I operate.


Perhaps those of us with a genuine and enduring fascination for this subject could pool information, just like " Vauxhall Leaf Green ". Stuff as positive and easily replicable as that would be worth a world of;


" Dark green. Muddy brown. And lighter tones. " :huh: I mean; WTF?! How about we all get busy and see if we can't bring back shit more like: " Fleetwood. Code # RZ301D22. A good green for shaded ivy. Just add thin, black waves. "


Like the real life thing, it'll take Ages to get even a Few goodn's up. But, let's face it; If the cows are black and white. The grass green. Rabbits the target. Then " Vauxhall Leaf Green " is, by now, probably the Industry Standard.


Now, how about juncus rush. Sitka spruce. Ash. Bracken. Bramble ....?


I have a hard on for ivy, right now. I f**ked up, last year. Took a leaf into the shop. Matched it perfectly.


Painted the box and put it amongst ivy. So light it sticks out like a boner as ye come down the stairs of a double decker bus!!!


See what I did there? *Top Tip*! Take the f**king colour cards to the countryside. Don't bring bits of nature into huge builders merchants, flooded with f**king halogen lamps, and expect to get a true colour match :no:




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