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Fighting, Why ?

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I like a beer probably more than most but at the right times, I can never understand why every time I go to a show there's folk drinking warm cans of beer when it's freezing or raining??!!! I'm just not having it that there enjoying the can ?

There usually the ones with out of control dogs which obviously makes sense !

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It does make it harder for you to enjoy going to shows when a small percentage of the people there are nobs!


When ever I go to a show it is usually a family outing- which is hard work from the start, battling kids/wife then the dogs on top of that! I desperately want to meet like minded folk and have a bit of giggle, only for the only interaction with fellow enthusiasts to be as negative as it gets, when they can't keep their mutts under some sort of order outside the beer tent, followed by their mouths. So I find myself skirting around the outside with the family in tow, not actually speaking to anyone nor getting involved, pretty pointless me going really....


I'm sure it won't always be the same :unsure:

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I like a beer probably more than most but at the right times, I can never understand why every time I go to a show there's folk drinking warm cans of beer when it's freezing or raining??!!! I'm just not having it that there enjoying the can ?

There usually the ones with out of control dogs which obviously makes sense !

:laugh: what about folk that take there own beer in a cool box . are they not likely to have out of control dogs aswell?

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Why do the owners of dogs that show aggression and like to fight with other dogs take them to shows and walk around not giving a shit ?

I know shows are not everyones cup of tea but they can be a good day out. A great way to meet people, see other dogs, socialise puppies and have a bit of a blether. All this wasted in a flash when your pride and joy is set upon out of no where, even worse for a pup.


Cuz these people are brain dead.

there macho men, and think it makes there dog look tough. But in life there always somthing tougher either people or dogs, and 1 day they will let there dog start on the wrong dog, and they could end up with there dog in a bad way. :yes: i only go to couple shows a year, and got a very big pup who loves people+dogs.Iwant to keep it that way, if pups get a bad knock from another dog, it can set them really back, either they shit there selves when see other strange dog, or want fight (only) to get the 1st 1 in, and if theys as big as my pup you going to get probs that you deff dont want :yes:

I don't agree that they'll meet something tougher necessarily,a old man by me has a big German Shepard that's had my lurcher three times now,all apologies and how he didnt see me etc


but whenever I've seen him out with my bull terrier he always managed to control it then,never even got near us.

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