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Advantages Of The Plummer Terrier

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I've been lucky with the little jrt I have now. To look at she's more like an old lady's lap dog. No breeding as such behind her, but she's a cracking little dog. In fact she has caught the most out of all my dogs, I had to laugh this season just gone, I was sat down in some woods having a cup of tea when I heard her barking, I looked across to see all the dogs looking upwards at a pheasant perched on a branch overhanging a field above a stone wall. She was the only one with the initiative to climb the wall and take a flying leap off up to the branch. I couldn't believe she actually managed to grab it. I've also been lucky in that if she is lucky enough to catch in the brambles she will retrieve it, which is quite comical given her size.

The other jrt of mine which recently passed was also good, but only when the action got going, whereas my little bitch will constantly be using her nose, even if I stop in the middle of a field she'll find something living there to dig up.


How do you find the plummers with regards to wanting to find game if there's not much game about?

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Plummers if bred right will work anything, the limitation depends on the owner. Mine rat, can have a dig with them, they come with me on the shoot and will flush birds, retrieve shot game, they'll mark anything, from squirrels up trees to rats sat up high in machinery / walls etc, they're biddable too. Faults; some of them tend to be headstrong,sometimes they'll run down a fresh scent and not come off when shouted, some are gassy. Mine tend to work on too far ahead of the gun so tight control is needed to bring them back in line otherwise they flush birds too far away.


If there is any game to be had, a good plummer will find it. I've only ever owned one Russell before I got in to plummers but I've worked with all breeds over the years. Sure any dog will kill a rat but I've not seen any breed match them for their drive and enthusiasm for ratting, which is their forte but they are by no means "only a rat and rabbit" dog.

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Folk say this type of terrier is better than that type of terrier etc but ive had terriers since the 70s and ive had most working types and tbh i think they all can make the grade.You get good and bad in all breeds but for the most part if a terrier is from good stock and its given the right handling then chances are it will do the job at hand.One thing i have found is jrt are a bit barmy but thats common knowlage anyway lol.Ive got a jrt/patt here and its a fair worker but it is a bit highly strung.I think being of good stock and the right size is more important than a particular type of terrier.

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Cheers wulf, the more I hear the more I'm tempted.


Most dogs I've owned have made decent house dogs given enough work and exercise, how do you find the plummer with regards to this?

Wuyang,the "new blooded" dogs a lot more laid back then the old plummer lines,just listen to advice from lads that are in the know on whats being bred in the registered lines,Wulf knows the bloodlines to avoid,WM
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