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A new pest controller in the making

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It was one of the three i caught that day but no doubles, i have more success with talpex and trapline than i do with me duffus. I will definetly keep him at it, its so nice to see him gettin involved he even helped me skin a rabbit a while back. he loves carrying my probe and a little bag which i let him but a few traps in, oh and my work hat which he claims is magic because when he puts it on the traps he pulls out have caught moles haha

Edited by wingnut
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Me to i will keep taking him with me, cant wait to start ferretting with him and my daughter she loves gettin involved, but my mrs keeps telling me she wanted a girl to take her shopping i laugh, she will be a hunter too. Cover still high around my area and still seeing baby rabbits. Hopefully my lad will learn how to catch few moles and make him self a bit pocket money when he older

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I was brought up doing stuff like that by my dad and uncle, then onto shooting/beating and now im a pest control technician....keep him at it mate you both could work together


My main job is i'm a first assistant greenkeeper at a golf course soon to be head or deputy, i only do a bit of pest control ( moles, rabbits, mice, rats, pigeon, etc) on the side mainly through word of mouth, i was considering being a pest control technician, but was not sure i could get enough work to do it full time to be able to support my family, but is is something i really enjoy doing and there is a lot of skill involved in pest control.

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