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Drew a blank & got wet!

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Day off work and got up at 5.30am to feed our 5 month old, who had been quite happy chunnering away to herself for 20 mins. Whilst up I took a peep out of the blinds.. Drizzle! Sod it I thought, I'll have a wander out with gun anyway.


Feed done, breakfast had, I arrived on the perm at 6.30am to see a half grown rabbit scutter down the hedgeline and into its burrow underneath the Hawthorn. Mmm I thought, might not be a waisted journey..


Rifle out, waterptoof jacket on (New Zealand Swazi ;) ) I made my way around the corner of the garden only to be spotted by a 1/4 grown rabbit feeding on the lawn.. damn! Too small anyway.


I made my way over the post and rail fence and into the field. The grass in the fields has been left to grow for bales so was wet through and about 8 - 10 inches in height, so that was going prone with the bipod out of the equasion. Note to self: must consider buying shooting sticks at this time of the year. 5 mins into the field and two rabbits in the long grass spot me before I spot them and make a hasty retreat.. Bloody Hell!


Whilst walking the hedgeline a silouette in the gap of an adjacent hedge caught my eye. Don't know what it was but I got the impression it was relatively big. A peep over the hedge saw nothing, but then I found this track in the grass:






I followed the track and after 50-60 yards came accross this:




Looks like I'm not the only one on the hunt..no wonder they were on edge!


After a slurp of coffee I continued my foot patrol for another 20 mins and spotted a small rabbit and lasered it at 70m. Too small to shoot I thought I'd have a go at stalking it anyway for a bit of reassurance that I hadn't lost it altogether!


I took this photo at a lasered 15m :) Not sure if you can see it in the far right corner..




Confidence restored and with the only shots taken being those from the camera I headed back home to strip, dry and oil the HW100!


A very wet but enjoyable stroll nonetheless

Edited by Elliott
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Hi Stevo, fox or possibly badger.. I'm edging towards badger for no reason other than the large flattening of the grass in the second picture. I've seen those before when the cubs are playing and rolling about. Could be wrong though :)

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Win some loose some, I blanked the other evening, went out for the last hour before dark, but got side tracked watching barn owls flying in to a hollow oak tree with mice and shrews, dont know how many chicks they have, will have to keep an eye out for the chicks fledging into the branches :D

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Win some loose some, I blanked the other evening, went out for the last hour before dark, but got side tracked watching barn owls flying in to a hollow oak tree with mice and shrews, dont know how many chicks they have, will have to keep an eye out for the chicks fledging into the branches :D


Worth a trip out to see that Stealthy :thumbsup:

Edited by Elliott
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I would say the track was badger, is there no sets around in the area?



Hi Lewis, yeah I reckon a badger too. I've only got around 22 acres but my permission is surrounded by other farmland so the liklihood of a set is very high. Nice easy digging too, hence all the rabbits!



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Nice write up Elliott. Always refreshing not to read of scores slaughtered in an hour (as entertaining and frustrating as those write ups are!). It is all too easy to get too focussed and fail to appreciate the surroundings and its goings on...

Edited by milegajo
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So true. I watched a sparrow hawk flitting about in a hedge for about 20 mins the other week. I was lost in myself watching it. Also in winter I was sat in a bush that I use as a hide, and the biggest flock of long tailed tits, came and landed on the bush. There seemed to be hundreds of them. Lol. I know there wasn't that many, it just seemed that way because they were that close, all chattering away.

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