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Starting conditioning..

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I'm sure someone will sell you a flirtpole .......... but all you need is a garden cane, a bit of string and a bit of dead something or other, swing it around on the floor just keeping it out of the d

I like the flirtpole, springpole, bike, and A-frame. Flirtpole is really good for developing coordination and athleticism, and not bad for wind too. Springpole really works their legs, back, neck, and

Cheers mate I'm looking into getting a staff out of working parents to come bushing and ferreting with my lurchers and hate to see dogs that look like barrels lol

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I like the flirtpole, springpole, bike, and A-frame. Flirtpole is really good for developing coordination and athleticism, and not bad for wind too. Springpole really works their legs, back, neck, and bite. Biking is for developing wind and endurance, and has similar affects to freerunning, treadmill, etc.

One thing I'd keep an eye on- at least at first- are Busta's feet. I have had more problems with pink feet than black ones as far as injuries to the pads. Just let him play/work and you'll find that those excercises will bring out his inner BEAST! I wouldn't take it too seriously- just have fun with it. Nice dog btw... and don't forget to snap some before and after pics

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Cheers mate, exactly the kind of thing I was after! :thumbs:

I think I'll just walk him 3 miles every evening until he's used to that then move onto alternating between walking and running beside the bike each day..

What would you say would be a good distance to start him beside the bike? I've got the perfect place in mind (long straight grass wall along the river)


I need to get a flirtpole sorted, where can I buy one? Haven't got room for a Springpole/A Frame unfortunately!


I'll just go measure/weigh him ;)



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I have probably spent hundreds of hrs running dogs along a bike and I like a 26" cruiser style bike with the swept back handle bars and coaster brakes (pedal brakes). That way you can slow down or stop hands free. This style bike and handle bars are such that the rider is sitting very upright which makes it easier to control the dog. I hold the dog at my side making sure there's NOT enough slack in the leash for the dog to run across the front of the bike- causing a wipeout! I like to go slow and make sure they're empty and then alternate between sprints and jogs. Sprint 'em until their heart rate and breathing are up and then jog 'em until they've evened out, etc, etc


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Okay mate, I used to use one with my EBT but used that in a different way. It was made of 4 or 5 canes tied together and I used to let her catch it every now and then..

I'll get hold of a long cane and tie a bit of leather to the end on a string and give him a go. I guess I'll just start easier/short periods and lengthen the workouts as he gets fitter ;)


I'll be walking him from about 5pm - 6pm for 3 miles every evening at first, is it best to feed after? I was looking at buying some decent grub, looking at Red Mills?


Cheers, Butch.

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Awesome, I can't wait to spend some time with him and working to get him in tip top shape! He's only 16tts and built small (not sure on weight as I have no scales) but has a nice shape and muscle definition which should come out brilliant! :D


Need suggestions on decent dry food?


Cheers, Butch

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Awesome, I can't wait to spend some time with him and working to get him in tip top shape! He's only 16tts and built small (not sure on weight as I have no scales) but has a nice shape and muscle definition which should come out brilliant! :D


Need suggestions on decent dry food?


Cheers, Butch

just look for high protein dry nuts 20per cent protein or more
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i would start a pup on the flirtpole, just small amounts for short periods of time.

slowly build up to the spring pole.

little but often is best, with a good diet.

keep it fun and interesting for the young dog.


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i would start a pup on the flirtpole, just small amounts for short periods of time.

slowly build up to the spring pole.

little but often is best, with a good diet.

keep it fun and interesting for the young dog.



Cheers mate I'm looking into getting a staff out of working parents to come bushing and ferreting with my lurchers and hate to see dogs that look like barrels lol

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