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Tench regulated BSA Ultra pellet group test with Si Pittaway

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Hi Steve,


Yes the AA Fields were what I was using and even at range 75 metres they nailed metal targets (not quarry just targets). Now I've found the 4.53mm Exacts I can only imagine they will be the same or even better. I intend to do a long range test with the Exacts in the future for the channel. I'll try something silly like a 15mm kill zone at 75 metres to push myself and the Ultra.



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No doubt you will get just as tight groupings even at that range mate....Also looking forward to seeing the new gear you will be testing in next channel episode mate.....Any clue's as to what it will be lol.......Or are gunna be Zippy on that till vid release?

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Hi Steve,


No I've just been bitten on the bum about that so I'm keeping quiet now till the review comes out.


The review will say and cover it all mate and i get daily updates from Nite Hunter on the phone so i know where everything is in terms of tweeks and release.


Mine and Davys review is really to give him some feed back on the units and how to improve it if any. Nite Hunter doesn't want us going into stacks of detail as things will change till the unit is perfect in his eyes. We will just show it in different situations at lased different ranges and with the different 3 lenses and 2 illuminating units which are all interchangable depending on what rifle you are shooting.



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It's not mate.


Once fac its classed as a fac by the police always so I'm informed buddy.


Tony, Phantom is a good bloke to ask as he as had experience in this matter.


He was given a sub 12 has ultra that the police tested and it had j0ust krept over 12 with their pellet. It wad then classed as fac and even if it was taken down in power back to 11.5 it wad classed as a fac.



Edited by zini
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Once its FAC, it's FAC.


Can not legally be reduced once its been officially chronoed at 12.001 or above :( I've been scrapping with the police about it for a year mine was 13.04 ft/lbs Now I have to find land that warrents a FAC, a gun safe and then apply for FAC to get it back.


Oh actually, I FIB!

It CAN be brought down, but the gun remains FAC! Even if you were to bring it down to 2ft/lbs you still need an FAC for it and of course all the rigmarole, safe etc.....

If you were to use it on NON-FAC rated land (even at reduced power), your looking at a straight forward conviction and a holiday in the place with the bars and no alcohol.




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