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Sunday Evening

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I had a phone call Sunday afternoon from the farmers son asking if I'd mind being the counter-signatory on his shotgun renewal and could he sent it over. I'd had to get it back pretty snappy as the expiry date was Febuary. No problem says I why don't I pop over now and do it ;) This was I could could kill two birds with one stone - the first would be to escape from the trouble I was in with good wife. The second was to dispose of a rather smelly, bloated critter... which happened to be the reason for me being in trouble with her indoors. I hasten to add its all entirely Foxdroppers fault... which, naturally, I didn't hesitate to tell my good lady and which I'll elaborate for you now.....


Last Wednesday I nipped over to see Foxdropper for an evenings lamping as he has ongoing fox control interests but also to bag a few coney for the freezer. One particular field was lifting with rabbits and after leaving a couple in a gateway we carried on to increase the talley. On the way back, further laden, we found the tell tale flash of Charlie in the gateway seemingly unhurried to flee but at the same time the eyes kept vanishing. It turned out the cheeky bugger was trying to make off with out earlier spoils and was doing a comedy pick up one rabbit, try and get another in the gob and grop the first one sketch. We wern't standing for that got she had a 40grain ballistic tip in the chest off sticks at 100 meters. I didn't have my camera (amongst other things like bipod, my own sticks etc) so FD got some on his phone but they are unretrievable :cray:


Moving onto another permission FD quickly plugged another rabbit which he helpfully suggested I place in the poachers pocket of my Barbour... see where this is going :yes: Anyway, after slogging away over hill and down dale we came accross two fox's shagging some way off but we couldn't entice them closer and they we unsafe where they were. Turning round a fox had snuck in behind us and was off in a flash when the lamp struck him. Fortunatly FD second guessed him and we caught him again around 80 meters away though a hole in the hedge and when he stopped to glance round he got the good news as well.


Anyway - i digress... Friday evening....


My daughter has been a bit poorly lately so I though nothing of the increasingly rank smell in the hallway thinking it was the lingering odour of nappies... how wrong. I wasn't there to hear the scream when my wife round the bloated and honking rabbit it the coat but judging from the reception I got when I got home she hadn't got over it... which brings me full circle back to Sunday Evening.


The rabbit was stinking out the bin, I had a seriously call shy fox at the permission where I needed to countersight the cert. Opportunity for a change in tactics. I hund the bloater up on a conveniently situated branch then paced up to a suitable area of cover. It then occurres to me that if I opened it up the lurid smell would add to the atmosphere so I obliged :bad:






As i was walking back up to the lay up point the bloody fox sauntered accorss the field, totally ignoring me (and the rabbit) and into the hedge. I then waited until it got dark and was near frozen before I went to do the paperwork and have a cuppa. A quick shine before I left and there were some eyes, not in the field where the bait was, but the next one along. I was a fair distance but stationary so I kept the lamp on, made no attempt to call, and walked towards it getting to 80 meters before chest shooting her - a nice, heavy vixen with, low and behold, a really stinking rabbits head in its mouth :yes:





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Ive been to your house mate and you did well to pick out that individual bad odour ,lol.Christ hope you missus dosnt read that or youll be on jankers forever and banned from associating with riff raff like me for good .Well done on the shooting of late ,you seem to be on much better form after our talk ;) a while back . See you Friday night .

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