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People who knock over pets and not report it......... Pricks!

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Happened to me once on a slip road going on to the A19, pulled onto the slip and there was a little jack russell smack bang in the middle of the road. Cars just driving round it!!!! f*****g set of c**ts. Pulled over and it was on it's last legs in a bad way and i put it in my emergency blanket and it passed away. What a way to go. I couldn't believe the people just driving round it, even when i pulled over and ran out to get it people weren't slowing down. I was going to Newcastle for a night out but covered in blood and quite upset i turned back home with the dog, took it to the police station and it was microchipped. It transpired that the elderly owner had been walking 'Murphy' and had fallen and let the lead slip. Murphy ran off in a panic and had been hit. My dad and I took the body back (the police said there wasn't any point, wankers) and the owner was devastated but thankful i'd done the decent thing. We buried him for the owner too.


I'd be well f****d off if someone hit one of mine and didn't stop, could be the difference between life and death.

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Happened to me once on a slip road going on to the A19, pulled onto the slip and there was a little jack russell smack bang in the middle of the road. Cars just driving round it!!!! f*****g set of c**

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