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Narrow Escape....!!!!!

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Well just back from the building site about an hour,


there were cement bags and plastic strapping in the rubbish barrel so i light the cement bags and continuted

tidying up, Was about to put more rubbish in, And Boom...!!!!


Something exploded and the flash came up out the barrel blew the lid about 20 feet away, And i'm now currently in a facial gel pack.....!!!

have no eyebrows, eyelashes, fringe, or facial hair.....!!!


So the moral of the story is..... if your tidying up and gonna light a little fire, make sure you know whats in it...



otherwise there could be a nasty surprise, and someone may get hurt....


a very sore snap... :(

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i remember years ago we happened to find :D a large shipping container full of barrells of grey thick flammable liquid.It as halloween time and we had a fire lighting and my mate dropped a container of it on the fire and the barrell blew about 30 feet into the air and destroyed my mates face.Iv never seen anythin so bad in my whole entire life ,his whole face was melted .

That put a stop to bonfires ever since

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i also know somebody who gurnt his face and all the hair on his head.. will be about 25 years a go now but he struck a match so he could look in to the bottom af a 25l barrel or thiners :icon_eek: obviousley he had his head over the hole to see in. he now has hair like worzel gummidge.


all the best smithie

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i also know somebody who gurnt his face and all the hair on his head.. will be about 25 years a go now but he struck a match so he could look in to the bottom af a 25l barrel or thiners :icon_eek: obviousley he had his head over the hole to see in. he now has hair like worzel gummidge.


all the best smithie

i know i shouldn't laugh mate, but i pmsl reading that !!!! f*cking classic !

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remember a lad with shoulder length straggly hair from work doing a track rod end on an old merc, he had to heat it up using the burners and placed the bin accordingly to catch debris, he had his head in the wheel arch area and a bit hot metal dropped into the bin, which un be known to him had traces of something flammible in it, so the flames shhoots up into the arch and he comes staggering out with his hair smoking no eyebrows and no eye lashes, i couldnt talk for laughing. :laugh: :laugh:

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