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shooting acorns

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i've been out on 3 occasions know and drawn a blank on all three :wallbash: i've left 2-3 weeks between each outing but the outcome is always the same.there are still plenty of rabbits about but as soon as i get in the same field as them their heads are up and away they go,can't seem to get within 70+mtr's of them.tried sitting and waiting for them but its as if they no im there,they come out and before i can get my sight's on them ,there gone. the feathered quarry are on the stubbles so i no they will be back when the stubble's get ploughed and the farmer starts to feed the cows.i've always gone to permission in the afternoon but thinking might have to try mornings instead.any thoughts or advice lad's. due to the lack of shooting i set 2 acorns up one at 30 mtr's 2nd at 40 mtr's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCow528fKkA&hd=1

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hi bud try shooting through the night with a good gun lamp or early morning use red or green filters and be very quiet full camo gear gloves and hat and if your going to wait on them i.e if they run into a hedge row do not lye in front of the hedge row but in line with the hedge as when they come out they will be looking strait foward not to the side get as close to the hedge as you can but not so you cant see along the hedge this go,s for embankments to try to stay concealed at all times when waiting for them the same principles apply when stalking them if you can use the hedge row as cover as you walk along ,fence,or trees scan where they are at a distance plan your root the use cover to stork your way to them but all ways stay down wind to them and this may sound daft but no deodorant ,after shave .and tell ur misses not to wash your hunting cloths with softener as this leaves a scent smell on them youve got to stay invisible or try to enyway this is not allways possible as the terrain is different at different permissions if you have no cover stay low crouch down as far as you can and try long distance shots if you cant get close to them but not to long and watch where you put your feet hope this helps mate atb mac

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thank's for the reply the one / mac.my permission is on the outskirts of a keepered estate,would the farmer let someone else shoot no chance/would the keeper let one of his beaters shoot the outskirts of the estate now most of the estate has game birds down possibly . hi mac totally agree with you on the concealment aspect,standing at 6ft-4 it's not hard to spot me entering a field.defo need to get some gloves and face mask.i have to shoot in daylight hours ,keepers orders.

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