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young huntress

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took my little girl out sunday for the first time took one of the hobs few nets and off we went am still nursing the nettle rash cover still abit to much she loved it though telling me where the nets should go shes good with the stinkers too,


she just the right size for getting inbetween headgerows to place the nets cant wait to take her out again. fantastic feeling when your kids like some thing that you do.


think she going to make a right little huntress

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Thats great mate! I've got a daughter on the way in around 6 weeks. All I can think about is when shes old enough to take her out ferreting and shooting. Just have images of me, the patterdale, ferrets, my dad and my daughter heading off out and her learning from me and my dad (self taught) and hopefully loving it. My partners mother has already bought some camo wellys for her for this weekend, there awesome! .. though.. will be a while before shes in them ha!


HOPEFULLY she enjoys it so much she bugs her mother to let us get a running dog of some kind.... haha

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its good when you can get your kids doing something that you both enjoy iv got a daughter aged 8 and shes been with me a few times she enjoys going but twines when it gets cold or we're not catching anything :laugh: iv also got another daughter thats 12 mounths old at the end of the month i cant wait till shes older so i can take her to.atb for the season pal :thumbs:

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my oldest is 4 and has started asking about coming with me and her papa(my dad) cause she has been watching me making nets. she says we have to go catch some rabbits so she can eat them. she makes me proud but i will wait a couple of years yet.

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