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good walk out today.

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just got back from a good walk out with rocky and a couple of other lads. im now waiting for my missus to get ready as were off back out so i thought ide chuck up the couple of pictures i took on my phone.


saw a couple of bunnys on our mooch but we mainly went for the walk.


my pup managed to pick up a young one with mixi.


think the lads were abit rough off the drink but we managed a few miles before it got to hot for the dogs.


cheers for the walk out lads and for being made welcome.










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i mate it was a good walk out with some goodlads and the dogs loved the beach, i,m glad the heat did,nt realy kick in till on the way back ,look forward 2 plenty of outings with you jenky mate when the season starts ,good 2 see the young dogs comeon leaps and bounds :thumbs:

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soon as those fields come down mate ill be back for another full day.

wish ide took my other pup as well, ill bring her next time.


just got back in from my spot, saw a good few but nothing within range for the dogs to stand a chance and most of it is over grown till the grass fields get chopped again.



kizer and chip are tucking into the biggest 2 bones i could find but there completely goosed now.

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soon as those fields come down mate ill be back for another full day.

wish ide took my other pup as well, ill bring her next time.


just got back in from my spot, saw a good few but nothing within range for the dogs to stand a chance and most of it is over grown till the grass fields get chopped again.



kizer and chip are tucking into the biggest 2 bones i could find but there completely goosed now.

i mate your welcome up my place anytime you want ,and thanks for them bones the dogs demolished them ,speak 2 you soon mate ,plenty more days/nights like that in the winter :thumbs:

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whats the breeding of the cohcklate lurcher its a nice dog.



its abit of a mystery mate lol


he was taken from his owner for mistreatment at around 4 months and its taken me the last 5 or 6 months to pull him round. he is still very quiet but i much happier dog now.


i tried to find out but the tossers werent very helpful about letting me know whats in him.


so he is a lurcher! everyone who has seen him guesses different.

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whats the breeding of the cohcklate lurcher its a nice dog.



its abit of a mystery mate lol


he was taken from his owner for mistreatment at around 4 months and its taken me the last 5 or 6 months to pull him round. he is still very quiet but i much happier dog now.


i tried to find out but the tossers werent very helpful about letting me know whats in him.


so he is a lurcher! everyone who has seen him guesses different.

I mate it was a canny day out we will hav to do it again gud crack
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Hey Rocky - is that the big hairy dog that got injured on the fence a couple of weeks ago?

yes it was first proper walk since the accident ,yes its been nealy 4 weeks since it happend


Good to see him out and about again. Hope he gets back to full abiity for you :thumbs: .

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Hey Rocky - is that the big hairy dog that got injured on the fence a couple of weeks ago?

yes it was first proper walk since the accident ,yes its been nealy 4 weeks since it happend


Good to see him out and about again. Hope he gets back to full abiity for you :thumbs: .

hope so mate only will tell if he,ll 100% again ,i think with time ge will be :thumbs:

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