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Eagles in Yorkshire??

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Hi, folks.


I've been out this weekend with a couple of friends on a permission near Wentworth, close to Pontefract. We see buzzards and red kites on a regular basis but this time a pair of what I'm sure were eagles flew over. None of us are exactly Bill Oddy but we all saw them and came to the same conlusion.


Can anyone shead any light on this? I've not heard of any sightings around here before.



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Mackay I am coming up with answers to the question posed, giving reasonable species that are known to be on or close to the area. I can differentiate between those species, quite easily, owls have a f

Perhaps someone flying a couple? Could be Ospreys, there are some reservoirs near you...



Mate, if you or anyone else can't differentiate between eagle owls, ospreys and eagles you shouldn't be shooting.

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Mackay I am coming up with answers to the question posed, giving reasonable species that are known to be on or close to the area. I can differentiate between those species, quite easily, owls have a flat face profile for a start, but if you get a glimpse of a blasted eagle owl flying away from you so you can only see the rear two thirds profile you are going to have one hell of a job differentiating between that and a blasted eagle.


Furthermore an Osprey at close range in silhouette can appear to be a larger bird further away. Might I suggest you watch Father Ted when him and Dougal are stuck in the caravan explaining the difference between small and far away in relation to cows. You might get an idea of the problem I am trying to resolve as to range, altitude and position when the sighting occured.

Edited by secretagentmole
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Before this degenerates in to an arguement, I'll just say that I'm 42 and I've been been out and about in the country all my life. I've seen eagles many times in Scotland as have the blokes I was with. We see all the regular raptors that fly the skys around here and we know what they are and what they look like.


What we saw was something unusual and I was just wondering if anyone else may be able to say wether or not eagles had made it to my part of the country.

Edited by andyfr1968
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Andy it is perfectly possible you have seen an eagle! After all they have only recently admitted to having Eagle Owls breeding in the UK, despite it having been going on for decades. Thinking of progressions they were talking about letting the White Tailed Sea Eagle wild in this part of the country, I dont know if they did or not, but it would not take much for an intrepid pair to fly 90 miles, I mean they could hop up the Lincolnshire coast then follow the Humber across! All they need is a good supply of fish...

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Raptor populations are increasing & spreading all over the country, so it's quite possible you saw what you think you saw Andy. :yes: I didn't think red kites had spread this far west until I saw one with my own eyes last year. :thumbs:

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See??? I knew that things from Norfolk were invading! Following the old route up across via Louth, the Humber Bridge, Beverley, then across to Wakefield, then onto Leeds....


Wasn't disputing that at all.

When Andy mentioned eagles you jumped in with all manner of species which I assumed he could and should be able to differentiate between. You obviously didn't credit him

with the same capability.

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Cant get my head round one comment on this post that if you can't tell difference between an eagle or an owl you shouldnt be shooting why not he wouldn't be shooting at them no matter what birds of prey they where he has asked a sensible question looking for sensible answers keep us posted mate and what they turn out to be

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