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young hobs biting

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yeah " shoot it or give it to some one who knows what they doing with ferret cause you dont :whistling:



OOOF harsh,,


Just keep handling them,, they cant be biting that sore (wimp :tongue2: ) but if they do,,then force yer finger in a bit(not harsh mind) and make the wee bugger gag,, puts them right off,, try some ferretone,or malt past on yer hand as well,,


One that works for me,,,,spit in yer hand and let the wee bugger lick it,, chillaxes them right oot!!


Handling,,handling,,,handling!! keep at it.



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I'm with rake aboot on this finger down the throat doe's the trick not to much though. Plenty of handling will get them used to you.


I got destroyed on the Scottish ferrets forum by the bunny huggers on there for suggesting this method to a guy who has a bad buyer. They were coming up with- put ferreton on your finger, let the ferret lick a margarine tub and stroke him, scruff him etc. When I mentioned to 'gagging' technique, they went spare and started saying that I could kill the ferret and was cruel to them. They went as far Asti say that if I do that to the ferret then I must condone hitting women and children! Fukin arseholes!


Finger in mouth technique works winders mate

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when i got my ferrets they bit me quit a bit but i never put them down until they stopped biting.. it didnt hurt much anyways but i think once they clicked on that bitting = they get naff all they stopped...i used the gagging trick on the dog like so it definatly works .. but for the ferrets like i say.. kinda just showed i wasnt bothered


they just mouth me now.. never actually chomped down on me.

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I use a version of the gagging method, if the kit goes to mouth me I place my index finger or thumb in their mouth, sideways, at the first knuckle and just push it gently back enough to make the kit try to push my digit away with its paws or tongue. Don't push too hard or you could hurt the kit and damage it's jaws or throat but that is just commmon sense.


Also in cases of slightly older ferrets that haven't been handled well as kits I sometimes spray my hands/fingers with bitter apple spray which tastes vile so if a ferret does get a bit nippy it soon learns that hands taste crap this can help.


I never encourage hand wrestling with kits personally but I know some do, kits can get carried away playing and while nipping and mouthing from a 9 week old kit don't hurt if the kit carries on treating hands as chew toys as it gets bigger one day it is gonna come a bit keen! :blink:


The spitting on your hand and letting them lick it method someone else mentioned earlier really does help calm them down as well. :yes:


Try and handle then when they're well fed and after they've tired themselves out playing, they'll be less likely to be nippy then.

Edited by AlbionLass
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After you've feed them handle them there less likely to bite with full stomachs .either finger or knuckle if they where handled well from 5/6 weeks you dont get a problem ,dont spray your hands with anything you dont when your out ferreting the ferrets got to relize your hands a no go area

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Just handle it and man up and ignore the biting, they will soon stop, it is a means of expression and exploration for small animals. Pups are the same. Like the one said, after a feed they will obviously nip less.

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