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Not the dig I had in mind !

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yesterday got signed off on some new permission a good 1500acres nice :thumbs: all sorted farmer showed me boundrys roads footpaths etc so gave my mate a call and decided to have a look round that night. Bit of a rush but took rifels and dogs so to cover all options, started off with dogs and lamp right from the outset I had a bad feeling too enthusiastic not enough prep time :thumbdown:

fist field dogs on slips red filter on lighs dull, Scapman sais get shot of filter cant see fook all so off with that, dogs are pulling as not had run for ages so give the good slip to get it out there system one in the bag, carry on bit bright and very little wind :thumbdown: but its only recon. keep foing but conditions against us and it also become apparent lamp is faiding another slip is given but my boy looses it in faiding light. aborting the walking we decide to go for the lazy option and drive and shoot :icon_redface: only as the lamp needs to be in the ciggy lighter first field inde bunny 30yds sist up looks around and game over, nice onto bottom headland keeping close to hedge so as not to put marks all over grass field next bunnys there swing motor into hedge and it sinks!!! :censored: try to open door no joy instantly over running boards :( a look round confirms no way of getting out look at watch 0200 oh well phone the Mrs! 7 atempets no joy sleeping like a baby :doh: oh well phone the old man game on he up for it pack kit up and walk to nearest road, back thismorning and heres the sight that greeted us



we dug it , pulled it forwards backwards no joy had to phone the farmer :wallbash: he was ok luckly :icon_redface: id did feel like a plonker though first night on new permision and that :thumbdown:


well the JD dose its stuff and we are out back up the yard sorting out and the terrier starts marking Game on a short rearangment of some stacked timber and a help from my beddy whip and we bolt 5 rats continues on and we end up with 15 from one area and 12 from another farmers well hapy and we are back in favor :toast:









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Time for a lift and some bigger rubber! shes well in there! i like the sign on mateys barn, does he need any real digging done?! :whistling::whistling::angel:

he is keen I may need to tone it down for a bit to keep in his good books but he has chickens (lots) so if there is a problem you will be first to know :thumbs:

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an 200t as a smoker!?!?!?! surely there are cheaper options lol

ruthless efficencey and ease of use is the key to sucsess my friend :thumbs:

i use them at work, surely a hedge trimmer would be better? but fair play, i bet it blows the rats out the holes!!

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an 200t as a smoker!?!?!?! surely there are cheaper options lol

ruthless efficencey and ease of use is the key to sucsess my friend :thumbs:

i use them at work, surely a hedge trimmer would be better? but fair play, i bet it blows the rats out the holes!!

ive got loads of them we were thinking blower but if you blow too much down the hole you end up digging to dead rats it is more of an art than people think :thumbs:

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an 200t as a smoker!?!?!?! surely there are cheaper options lol

ruthless efficencey and ease of use is the key to sucsess my friend :thumbs:

i use them at work, surely a hedge trimmer would be better? but fair play, i bet it blows the rats out the holes!!

ive got loads of them we were thinking blower but if you blow too much down the hole you end up digging to dead rats it is more of an art than people think :thumbs:

my mate uses a blower, hes got the exhaust linked to the blower pipe with a downsizer bit on the end, imo i prefer my strimmer, you get that low sitting smoke that isnt being pushed through, it sits there instead, the rats hate it!!

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