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Sure I'd be gutted. But that was what I wanted him to feel. The feelings of the other guys didn't come into the act. And for that I felt really bad for. I actually told one of them I knew well and, while he wasn't happy, he fully understood why.


The land is wholly privately owned by a farming man I grew up from birth with as a close family friend and I've been shooting over it for over 43 years. His family have owned and farmed it for generations; centuries probably. My father and Grandfather shot here with his father and grandfather. I shoot as often as time and my work allows. The lads who also have permission are pretty sound, I've got no grounds to suspect any of them are conducting themselves improperly and there is a happy accord with the shotgun syndicate members and the air rifle shooters,


Then you get superclod in his 4x4 come charging down the lanes accusing you of poaching his birds, demanding to know what the hell you are doing shooting here and who told you you could shoot here?? Blah blah. That's how I and just about everyone else met him for the first time. Accusations and in-your-face-confrontationary temper.

Never a civillised introduction and a straightforward chat to find out the facts first.


At the end of it all though, he's no more the owner than you or I. He's ultimately running his sport at the permission of my friend Ian and he's been really fed up with the complaints about the guy's conduct. Almost to the point of refusing the gamekeeping any further once, but, even I talked him out of that, for what the innocent members of his shoot will suffer for that one. Especially after what I did!


You can raise all the well meant points and moral arguments you like, and you are quite correct to make them but, when you have a bloody maniac running a shoot and doing his level best to screw yours up, it's only a matter of time before trouble rears it's ugly unnecessary head.


I'm not a hateful person at all really but, Is it really any wonder people do what they will, when you have a man like this to have to deal with for a day's legitimate sport?


I'm just amazed he hasn't been beaten to hell yet, the way he carries on.



Edited by pianoman
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Makes things a little clearer for me. I was always lead to believe it was illegal to hunt them with an air rifle. Never bothered to check that out really. I've shot scores of them for the pot, only be

How do you know he hasn't got an open ticket? You decided to wipe out someone's livelihood because he spoilt your leisure shooting? Well done. And folk wonder why they struggle to get permission.

I have a very strong sense of fair play by the rules. I respected his birds and the shooting syndicate he runs so, I kept off. But, he thinks he's above the law and rules the roost and can do whatever

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