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Growth Plates ?

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a little bit of knoledge can be dangerous because on the other side of the coin excercise makes anything young produce growth hormounes and thats the reason they put greyhound pups in big compounds so they can excercise as much as possible the only reason im writing this is because i dont want people to think that you cant take a pup out from a young age they have more chance of injuring there growth plates running round in an small space like your garden than in feilds working none of the dogs i have owned or had experience with what have been taken out from a young age have suffered any problems as a pup or at a later age with joints i have only ever known one case what was a few months ago i took a dog up north to see a bone specialist on seeing him i then found out that he had damaged his growth plate this was caused from the pup running around in the garden and hit the frame of the trampoline the bone specialist told me the pup needed to be kept in a confined space and should not be exercised for a minimum of 6 weeks this was not my pup the pup belonged to a freind he was 4 months of age and was only ever kept in the garden it was just a case of pure bad luck hitting his leg on the wrong place atb oneshot

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Finding this thread very helpful,as I have a 5 month old pup and was thinking maybe she has this kind of injury? When walking her she runs round stupid which somtimes scares me as she runs into hedges or the other dogs flat-out,on the last 2 walks when she's off the lead she hasn't ran just had a little jog (very unlike her) she isn't lame and I have felt all over her legs and there dosent seem to be in any pain? She doesn't go on long walks. Any help will be great many thanks. She is a whip/gh/dh

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Yes, the knuckles should pretty much vanish -you may see a small, fairly regular bump there (as opposed to the more pronounced and slightly uneven bumps of the growth plate) - which would be the joint end of the bone itself. But often they disappear completely. Growth in sighthound type dogs often isn't completely finished until around the 18 month mark, and you can get spurts up to about a year old. Usually after that (but not always)the growth rate really slows and you'd but lucky to see much more than an inch in height gained, but the dog will 'fill out' as muscle growth takes over.

Nice one, cheers. I thought mine was a bit on the small side, she's only 20tts, but it looks like she's still got a fair bit of growing to do then. :thumbs:

How big is you pup now Rob?

she's about 21 tts, still got quite big knuckles though at 16 months old though.......she still doesn't look fully physically mature but over the last few weeks has started bulking out a fair amount.

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