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my first fox snare

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(i have never put up a fox snare before but this is my first one) DO YOU THINK I WOULD GET SOMETHING ON THIS
take your snare of the the gate and set it further back in the woodland , and don,t set your snare like that , set it across the the way with a bigger loop , although i think you will be struggling , with those shop bought snares , i wouldn,t use them if the flung them at me , set your wire higher , minimum 10 inches , .
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Good first effort Deltor :) ...

But I would have to go with The Master Trapper,... :clapper:

Get away from that fecking gate,..the wire stands out like a sore thumb,..even Stevie Wonder could see it.

Walk back from the gate and look for a travelway coming to and from it,..that's the place.... ;)

All the best,.CHALKWARREN... :drink:

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it may just be the flash on the camera, but did you weather the wire or have you set it straight after buying it? if not you may want to hang or bury your snares to remove some of the taint before you set them. i have seen wires set similar to your picture and as snareman describes. personally i prefer the loop across the run as snareman says. sometimes i think setting a wire near or under a fence is an advantage as i feel if the fox is used to pushing under a fence and feeling the fence wire on its back it will not get spooked if it touches the noose before drawing it tight enough to catch it.

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Bushing up around a wire set is ok if it is a runline against a pheasant pen, perimeter fence or suchlike but on an open run will arouse Charlie's suspicion straight away. Go for a plain and simple wire tealer like the one in ChalkWarren's pic and set it back in the brush where Foxy cannot see the wire above him for the twigs and branches already there. Bury your wires or leave them exposed to the elements for as long as you can to rid them of the shine, or at worst run a pinch of wet clay along the length of the wire to dull it down. Make sure you anchor it well to a decent sized post or tree. I found that the bottom of the loop needs to be about 9 to 10 inches in thick cover, 11 to 12 in open ground or standing wheat, and much less if you have to cover a run through a hedge or fenceline maybe as low as 2 to 3 inches. Try to picture where the fox will have his head at that point on the run and there's your answer.



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