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troublesome fox

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hi all ,

just wondering how can i get this bloody fox ? 1st kills a week gone fri 2 nd kills last night ,

i did have a fox trap but some twxx nicked it ,anyway the fox has been on two occassions and took many chickens but they are locked

up till the bloke lets them out in the morning ,they are a noisey lot anyway so the lad does nt know when they are been attacked

do i sit out every morning(but work shifts) or set a trap which i can get hold of ,

but will they take dead birds when fresh bait is readily available ,ive been out with .243 on several occassions on a night and seen nothing

so im thinking that its trading else where and on a bad nights hunting its calling in for easy bait ,so how can i sort this bugger out?

any help will be much appreciated

cheers gibbo

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had the very same problem last year where a farmer was letting out his bird's in the morning and was down 1 or 2 once or twice a week. we had snares and cages set with no luck and they were still been taken, so we went to the nearest place where there was a field of nice dry cover, hid behind a water trough and started squeeking(rabbit destress) and in the space of 5 min's had 2 foxs bagged.. there was no problem after that..

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Because the weather is getting warmer old foxie starts to get reluctant to go into a trap,plenty of other food about,except cubs which wouldnt be causing the problem yet.He is probably going there in the day,cant You wire him,sometimes you can wait all night or early morning squeaking till your blue in the face no signs cause he is hunting somwhere else.

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