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am or pm starts?

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ive seen alot of you guys getting up before the sun and heading to your permissions for a full day of ferreting, is this the best time to start? or can i start at dinner time and work till it gets dark? im waiting on a lad on one of are permissions to get back to me about ferreting his horse feilds. we are aloud to use harris hawks but no air rifles so im hoping he will let me have a go with some ferrets

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Jesus wept some people need to think before they ask questions. Start earlier, get more hours of daylight, get more done. How hard is that to figure out yourself?

the lad asked a question.. if you have'nt got anything good to say why reply

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Ever heard the saying 'ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer'? I fully accept and would encourage young lads and people starting out to ask as many questions as they like in order to learn the trade, but there is a limit, sometimes people need to learn to at least attempt to use their own brain. The concept that if you start earlier, you have more time and so can get more done is a fairly universaly recognised phenomina and is hardly part of the 'secret ferreting knowledge'. Whatever hapenned with thinking for yourself and asking advice when you get stuck?


And 'Rabbit Slayer no1' - I think you will find that i am very helpful answering all kinds of ferreting related questions and have taken a number of young lads out for ther first day. The main reason that people stop using forums is the amount of repetative drivel on them rather than the miserable c**ts like me :thumbs:

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