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hunt terriers

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seem to think they own the countryside and all its foxes!!



well as its our job, i supose you could asy its within are best intrested to look after the foxes

Edited by wink hound
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i personally dont give a fxxxk about hunt work :angry: most ive encountered are arrogant and ignorant and seem to think they own the countryside and all its foxes!!


Christ ,if captain fuckup heard you say that around our way you'd be nailed to the pub door .LOL.

Some time ago ,a tenant farmer who was fed up with a fox killing his chickens up and shot the bugger one morning .The hunt found out and the farmer had a sign put on his farm gate saying "this man shot a fox ".He was shunned in the pub for quite a long time after .

Do know what you mean though mate .Some hunts are very welcoming and offers to work your dogs are open .From what I've seen over the years ,its the terrierman that dictates the days proceedings and not he in velvet :laugh:

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seem to think they own the countryside and all its foxes!!



well as its our job, i supose you could asy its within are best intrested to look after the foxes

And we are registered and held accountable

yes but they are not the only folk who hunt foxes ,run,shoot,dig ,snare if thats your passion so be it ,i couldnt put up with al the false pretence that we all get on ,march side by side ,yes it made a good statement but most would snub you or give you a mucky look on hunt days as we who are not involved with the hunt are regarded as poachers of there foxes imo. ;)
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i personally dont give a fxxxk about hunt work :angry: most ive encountered are arrogant and ignorant and seem to think they own the countryside and all its foxes!!


Christ ,if captain fuckup heard you say that around our way you'd be nailed to the pub door .LOL.

Some time ago ,a tenant farmer who was fed up with a fox killing his chickens up and shot the bugger one morning .The hunt found out and the farmer had a sign put on his farm gate saying "this man shot a fox ".He was shunned in the pub for quite a long time after .

Do know what you mean though mate .Some hunts are very welcoming and offers to work your dogs are open .From what I've seen over the years ,its the terrierman that dictates the days proceedings and not he in velvet :laugh:


well said foxdropper, though i can see peoples point- any pro terrierman that doesnt communicate and work with the local digging lads and keepers may as well dig his last hole and hide in the f****r! imo these people are worth their weight in gold if looked after properly!!

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I will let others use dogs but only if I know them well .In all types of digging scenarios there will always be the ones who creep back and F)))K it up for all.NO permission get seen and leg it no backfilling..Thats why a lot of terrier lads are loners not only hunt terriermen

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i no a few hunt terrier men from the midlands and they are all the most down to earth blokes you will ever meet.a certain one of these people i met on here and within a couple of weeks i am on the back of his quad hunt days havion ng a cracking time.wink,wink.at the end of the day they have a job to do as simple as that.the hunt pays the wages so you keep them happy.you also get lots of digs.

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Just read this thread. Whats every body has to remember is no fecker own's these so called hunt foxes, they are a wild creature (vermin what ever you want to call them) I did'nt relise that terrimen got payed :icon_eek: I thought it was just the Huntman that was on a wage. With our local hunt the only bloke that get's to use terrier is of course the terrierman unless your lucky enough to be at the right place at the right time.

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I am now going to talk about back in the Day, as obviously it is illegal to Hunt Foxes with Hounds. Every Terrierman has a Job to do on Hunt Days and it must be done when the Huntsman or Master wants it done. You must be able to put your Hands on a Dog that will touch nothing else in the Earths, should that be required. You must have a Dog that will sit and bay and not injur the Fox, if required. There are times when in a big place you want the Dog to get to grips with the Fox. There are even times when you need a Dog to go in and only stay a short while, if the Fox don't bolt so be it.

A lot of guys who are Terriermen for Hunts are volunteers, they may get their Diesel paid if they are lucky. Some more well off Hunts have guys who do another Job in the Kennels. I was a paid Kennelman/Terrierman, living at the Kennels and my job at Kennels was to do the knackering and skinning and clean and Feed the Hounds. My job on Hunt Days was all that and do the Terrier work. There are others who repair Fences the Hunt have broken or do some other form of work at Kennels. On Hunt days they are required to do the Terrier work. Some Hunts wanted the Terrierman out the Day before 'bolting and stopping' and then they weren't needed on Hunt Days when Eyes are watching. Then there are some Hunts who wanted the Terrierman to work his Dogs the Day before and on the Day. In Hunt service it is easy to need at least 6 or 7 Terriers with youngsters coming on behind. The ones who weren't employed by the Hunts had it easier. They came on Hunt Days and just did the Terrier work, after that they went Home and looked forward to coming out the next Hunt Day. Diesel costs might be negotiated, but most were happy to do the Terrier work. Some travelling over 100 Miles on a Hunt day.

Hunts Terriers are not always the best quality Dogs, but they have to do a job in any given situation. This means the Hunt Terrierman has to have different styles of Dog. It is impossible to have all your Dogs go in and kill every Fox, work other things every time you put it in etc. Certainly not the paid guy anyway, especially if there is work back at Kennels to be done when you get back! Apart from the ones you actually bolt I would guess most Hunt Terriermen would have around 100 Foxes credited to them a Season, some more than that. If you split that down into what each Dog sees, it isn't a great deal really. The difference is they see it every Season and you are able to whittle out the rubbish easier and breed from the better ones. I have been a Hunt Terrierman for 3 different Hunts in my time and there were different situations requiring different types of Terrier. When I came out of Hunt Service each time I got rid of nearly every Terrier, only keeping the ones I could have a dig with, without Hounds. WHAT HAS TO BE REMEMBERED IS THAT EVERY HUNT IN THE COUNTRY WOULD SACRIFICE TERRIER WORK TO BE ABLE TO CARRY ON HUNTING, SOME DID ON HUNT DAYS!!!

What I have written is just my perception of how it used to be, back in the Day.

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nice post shamo ,thats the sort of post i like reading ones written from expierence cheers

i dont know if the terrierman at our local hunt would let me enter my terrier ,he is a real decent guy next year when starting my pup i will take her to see whats happening and if he offers me the chance to enter her great if not cant blame him after all he travels miles a week working 2 hunts to work his own :victory:

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when i said a wage i meant for all round hunt service and not just the terrier side.most of the hunt lads i no are also involved in other aspects of the hunt as said above.crackin read shamo,enjoyed it.

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Great post shamo :clapper:

My own terriers aren't bothered by hounds, horses or the horn, infact if they hear a horn on the TV in a documentary they will all jump up from a slumber & get all excited.

I don't think majority of people with terriers go with a hunt for a wage, most do it because they are passionate about hunting.

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