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hi guys. i recently rehomed a whippet x 6 month bitch from a rescue centre. although no metion was made, as soon as i got her home i notice her kinda coughing/trying to be sick. from previous experience i immediately thought it to be KC and quarrantied her from my terrier. but now it been 4 days and though she still cough she not showing the other signs, mainly that horrible snot they get. so i'm wondering could it be something else? the symptoms do seem just like kennel cough, dry cough with sounds like choking almost sounding like gonna be sick. anyone know the symptoms of lungworm? any advice be appreaciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hiya not to worry my both dogs had the same symptoms, that was caught from another dog as kennel cough is so easily caught from another dog. dont spend all that money taking it to the vets, it could take about 1-2 weeks to ease the symptoms but all i did was:


get any type of cough medicine for a dry / tickly cough, give it to the dog or mix a spoon of the mixture in with some water or warm milk so it tastes a little better


or another alternative


honey and milk or honey an a dash of blackcurrant squash, i normally add abit of warm water to it to warm them up


Also antibiotics that you have around the house jus give the dog 1-2 tablets a day, some dogs are quite clever they wont swollen the blinking things but disguise it in a piece of ham or sumthin like that. If its good for us its good for them. The vets will sell you the same stuff but under a different name and charge you a fortune.


Keep doing it for a week the symptoms sound ease a little but carry on with the process for about 3 days after the symptoms dissappear to make sure its gone.


Hope this helps.


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i had this type of prb 2 -3 wks ago and put a post up ,people on here are great ,they told me not to spend a penny at the vets and try kids benilyn cough medicine

i made up some gravy a poured it on my dog food then put 5ml on the food and mixed it well in

i did this day and night as i feed my dogs twice a day for 4 days and it was a good result

these dogs did not have sniffles just a cough

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Kennel cough (tracheobronchitis).


Kennel cough is a term used to describe a broad spectrum of infections of the upper airways of dogs much as a “common cold†is in humans. In the majority of cases in a healthy adult dog these easily caught and spread infections will settle in their own time. A warm bed, good food and rest are the best treatment with perhaps the addition of a simple linctus type cough medicine. Not every dog coming into contact with an infected animal will become symptomatic but infection risk is increased if an animal is stressed i.e. in boarding kennels etc in a similar way to a human catching a cold when they’re a little run down.


Dogs may become infected but not obviously symptomatic in that they do not get a cough but may have inflamed airways and so need recovery time also will they will be infectious to others, so if one dog becomes infected it’s worth treating your others as having it and give all appropriate rest and recuperation etc. The infection can be passed for up to a couple of months after a case but is at its most infectious whilst an animal is actively coughing. The commonest symptoms are the presence a “hacking cough culminating in retching that may produce a little foam, fluid and is often exacerbated with exercise and may present anywhere from a couple of days to weeks after exposure. In the cases of some of causative bacteria they may last for some time in the environment, especially in damp conditions, ready to case infection to any dog coming into contact.


There are inoculations, nasal or injection, against this but they are not full proof as they do not give resistance to all of the viruses, bacteria that can cause it and may reduce symptoms rather than stop infection. Antibiotics may be prescribed if things don’t settle but in the majority of cases of simple Kennel cough they should not be required but rather used if secondary more serious infection follows leading to pneumonia. In most cases symptoms settle in a week or two but if the cough is getting worse rather than better then see a vet.

Regards sandymere.

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