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Thats an easy oneJac :yes:




You can use a lightly oiled rag on the outside of the pistol to protect it from the elements, but you shouldn't need to oil anything other than the hinge maybe a drop every year or two.

Certainly don't put oil inside the barrel, as you dont want it to start dieselling and knackering up the spring, piston and seals etc..

Its a good very well made lump of engineering that will last you a lifetime with very little effort on your part. Perhaps have it serviced every couple or three years but thats basically it :victory:




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thanks. i was watching a vid on cleaning it and the guy put oil on the brush to clean the barrel so i thought i need to get some , i also read somwere that oiling the spring can give it back its power if it loses it a bit? but i am not guna oil it at all if it dont need it so thanks :thumbs:

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Just spray a little WD whatever on a rag and wipe it over the outside of the pistol to protect the steel. It's inner workings will look after themselves.


Just make sure it doesn't get into the gun's insides or bad things will happen, deffo no no.... :thumbdown:



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The only time I would consider oiling the inside of a barrel would be if it's going to be stored unused for a while. Then it's ok to pull through a few drops of gun oil, or standard 3 in 1.


You shouldn't need to lubricate any of the internals at all.


Just remember that you will need to clean every trace of oil out of the barrel before you fire it next, otherwise at best your first few shots will be all over the place, at worst you could damage the internals.

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