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If after a reasonable time (5 or 6 hours) the fox did not leave the burrow, in one of the output that comes out for catch air, I pick it up and leave. Sometimes when we hunt in the burrows of land, I put two dogs and the fox dont want go out , kill him inside the burrow and then if I have to dig out the fox, but I put only two dogs in burrows of land, in stone burrows I put a single dog and is very difficult that he kill the fox in stone burrow



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you must have some patience waiting 5 to 6 hours for a fox to bolt,and over here useing 2 dogs is some what of a taboo and frowned upon,i prefer digging to my terriers and working with them but occasionaly a fox will bolt but to me the result is still the same if theres 1 in the bag so long as my terriers are getting worked thats the main thing

regards hedz

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dig dig all day thats the way

i ve seen lots of photo s of fox terriers used for digging in europe and always same thing there doubled up too quarry plus these guys think there the business and breeding from them flat out :thumbd

Guest dee mac

These forms are different ways of hunting, I prefer to wait and that my dog can hunt in any burrow, which spoiled and always expect help from above.


Once an old old man told me one thing, what the dog can not do underground, do not do it man from the surface (his team of hunting was 3 wire fox terrier, a knife for skinning and shotgun), this man hunt foxes from he was 10 years until he was 76, I think he knew something hunting in the burrows.


I want to make clear that I respect your way of hunting


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i ve seen lots of photo s of fox terriers used for digging in europe and always same thing there doubled up too quarry plus these guys think there the business and breeding from them flat out :thumbdown:as a lot of you will know dogs that dont make the grade over here would work all day long if doubled up but thankfully the proper dog men know the correct way to work earthdogs and long may it continue :thumbs:
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Too true Dee,certain lines of terriers owned by certain well known men often make big/great names for themselves when sent to Europe and the States. Yet over here the same terriers are NOT taken seriously by those that work them hard and true.

Edited by neil cooney
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Too true Dee,certain lines of terriers owned by certain well known men often make big/great names for themselves when sent to Europe and the States. Yet over here the same terriers are NOT taken seriously by those that work them hard and true.

thats because unless you are personal friend or come well recomended they will only sell you rubbish,all your big names run 2 or 3 lines and don't let the good blood out to all and sundry,wirralman

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Too true Dee,certain lines of terriers owned by certain well known men often make big/great names for themselves when sent to Europe and the States. Yet over here the same terriers are NOT taken seriously by those that work them hard and true.

thats because unless you are personal friend or come well recomended they will only sell you rubbish,all your big names run 2 or 3 lines and don't let the good blood out to all and sundry,wirralman

And long may that continue :yes:

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Guest dee mac

I dont understand you(my english isnt very good and the traductor is very very bad :D ) but I'm not saying one is better than another way, I'm just saying that they are different forms of hunt


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thay aint diferent forms of hunting one is an excuse for hunting were by the people who double up dogs are more interested in getting quarry on the bank were as the lads that work one dog only too ground are more interested in the working of the dog and obtaining a high standard of animal in which they can be proud off or in simple terms people who double up dogs are lazy and are happy too settle for second best imo
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hello aitor many people over here prefare to eject(bolt) the fox. i find that it is more efficiant. and prefare this method. everyone has different idea's. and i wouldnt condemn anyone elses ways. but would expect a single dog to do the job. i also respect your ways. but wouldnt allways agree with them. yours in sport.

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Guest busterdog

I dont understand you(my english isnt very good and the traductor is very very bad :D ) but I'm not saying one is better than another way, I'm just saying that they are different forms of hunt


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thay aint diferent forms of hunting one is an excuse for hunting were by the people who double up dogs are more interested in getting quarry on the bank were as the lads that work one dog only too ground are more interested in the working of the dog and obtaining a high standard of animal in which they can be proud off or in simple terms people who double up dogs are lazy and are happy too settle for second best imo




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Guest busterdog

If after a reasonable time (5 or 6 hours) the fox did not leave the burrow, in one of the output that comes out for catch air, I pick it up and leave. Sometimes when we hunt in the burrows of land, I put two dogs and the fox dont want go out , kill him inside the burrow and then if I have to dig out the fox, but I put only two dogs in burrows of land, in stone burrows I put a single dog and is very difficult that he kill the fox in stone burrow



A greeting


What happens if your dog has to dig on and gets stuck ?, do you leave him to it incase he gets to rely on you.

I'm sure with time he will dig himself out.... :whistling: .

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