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Bunny Bashing Calibre

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Anyway on a more serious note. I have had a bit of a set back. Farmer I went to see is happy for me to walk certain boundaries but not others as he already has someone else covering the land who has been doing it for years and he doesn't want to upset the applecart. Can't blame him for that. The boundaries he is letting me use give me access to the the larger houses where I shoot but they are air rifle only and not suitable for anything else. Ya never know somebody might need their land clearing and he will remember me.


I do have a ground that some friends use and that is coming up for renewal but getting to catch up with the farmer is proving to be a bit of a pain in the ass. Well, keep looking and banging on doors. Least I have something to see me through even it it is 5 acres or so but that that is five more than I used to have. :victory:


I didn't realize the .17 bullets where as as expensive as they are. To be fair I don't think the price is going to be a major problem. I can't see myself getting land that will have bucketloads of bunnies. purely because down round Newbury I have never been told of such. But I could be wrong. And as such if I go out and get 2 or 3 bunnies then that is enough for the pot unless requested to nail the site. So headshots a must to preserve meat.

I don't intend to be doing much out of the truck. I enjoy getting out and walking the land and getting the shot from there. If the weather is good I am happy to hide myself away in a corner and just listen to the birds tweet until dinner pops out. (Turning into a hippy?) So I think that the .17 is the way to go for now. Mind you. I did like the comment of "I have a .17 and a .22 and wouldn't be without either. That is a good point, more toys for the cabinet.:clapper:

so CZ Varmint is coming out with good reports. Cheap to buy £359 new and great accuracy. I think that will be the first one for the cabinet subject to finding a nice farmer. Followed shortly after by a ....... no no no:blink:

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I buy my 17hmr ammo (Hornady) from country way gun shop in Kent.   That is no exageration as i bought 500 rounds today and the total came to £87.50 that has nothing to do with the quantity i bought

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