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Papal visit

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I hope if he does come that the people show their disgust at what he and his followers have done.

There is no excuse for the cover up,you cant preach to people about doing good and then abuse their children.

The truth is they have destroyed thousands of young kids lives. Those kids have lived with guilt,fear,anger, and a feeling of betrayal,from childhood right through to adult hood.

There is no punishment they could suffer that will take away the pain these abused kids have within them.

Is there a God?

Why would anyone want to believe in god when the very people who represent him are doing this kind of stuff?

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i can understand peoples disgust at peodo prests, theres millions of priests in the world that do great work, tarnished by the scumy ones, i think the visit would mean alot to some folks (mostly oldie

I hope if he does come that the people show their disgust at what he and his followers have done. There is no excuse for the cover up,you cant preach to people about doing good and then abuse their c

People abuse their powers in all positions. Some are scout leaders, some care workers and some priests. I think it unlikely that this be confined to the catholic church, the C of E is much smaller so

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Let him come.


Make him pay for it himself though!


With a bit of luck one of the children his priests f.ucked will kill the twat.


The visit would be excellent for the childrens shoe industry in this country, did you see the photos in the Times this weekend of the hundreds of pairs of childrens shoes left outside churches in Ireland as a protest.


He knew what was going on, and he covered it up.


Rot in hell kiddy fiddling b.astards.



well said fiddling irish peodos,how many catholic priests doing this get away with it fcukin sickos.

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Let him come.


Make him pay for it himself though!


With a bit of luck one of the children his priests f.ucked will kill the twat.


The visit would be excellent for the childrens shoe industry in this country, did you see the photos in the Times this weekend of the hundreds of pairs of childrens shoes left outside churches in Ireland as a protest.


He knew what was going on, and he covered it up.


Rot in hell kiddy fiddling b.astards.





PEPOLE who live in glass houses.Pedos come from all walks of live and some vicars



I wouldn't dream of denying that.


No glass house here, I make collars not cover up the widespread abuse of children using guilt as a control.








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Personally I believe he should come.

His mistake was not to punish the crimes that were committed that he knew of.

But lets be honest. Who actually knows exactly what happened inside the Vatican?

I suspect no one will ever know.

Child abuse in any form is perpetrated in all walks of life not just the church. It has been happening since man walked this planet. It hasn't been on the increase its just that we are more aware of it and more sensitive to it.

We should also remember that its not just the abusers that are guilty it is all the other people who turned their blind eyes to waht was going on and hiding behind the belief that for the greater good of the church it should be dealt with from within the church. Thats fine if that's what has happened. From what we have heard in the press it would appear that this has not been the case.

I doubt that the Pope will come to this country without making reference to the scandal. If he does then it'll be to his eternal shame.

If he comes to make an apology to those who have been affected then, good! It is a start.

An apology by the Pope will be an admission of guilt and leave the Catholic church wide open to legal claims of compensation and dragging the church through the mire. The damage that would cause is incalcuble.

The church needs to identify the culprits and punish them. Closure for the victims is essential. And for the church although this controversy will linger for a long time to come.

Banning his visit will achieve nothing. Let him come, hear what he has to say and then we can make a more measured judgement on what we should and should not believe.






CofE Ning

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People abuse their powers in all positions. Some are scout leaders, some care workers and some priests. I think it unlikely that this be confined to the catholic church, the C of E is much smaller so wont have as many cases and I'll also bet men of other faiths have done the same. The catholic chirch could do more but it's seems a bit like the latest band wagon. A paedo is a paedo regardless of who he works for and they tend to work their way in to jobs where they can abuse the trust of people. Its a religeon with well over a billion followers so they're bound to have bad eggs but for every paedo there will be hundreds or thousands of good priests.


As I said the latest band wagon.

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'An apology by the Pope will be an admission of guilt and leave the Catholic church wide open to legal claims of compensation and dragging the church through the mire. The damage that would cause is incalcuble.'


It's called justice.


'But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.'

True. But at what cost?


I'm not saying I agree with it but justice has to be balanced against much more than personal grievances.


Justice does need to be carried out. But by whom and how?







Old Bailey ning

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some very good points so far lads, ireland has probably suffered more than any country at the hands of the church, not just sexual abuse from prists but the cruelty of nuns and christian brothers in schools and orphanages, i think its cos the church had so much power, people nowadays can't understand (thankfully) abuse victums would'nt dare acuse them of anything, thank fook those days are gone, the law aloud it aswell, theres no reason a peado should be walking the streets, should be locked up till they die,,


just as an other point, the irish goverment punishes the crimes it wants to discourage, last year 3 men got 14 years for a tiger kidnapping, police wanted to stop them happening, but not many rapists would get time like that


edited to say TIGER KIDNAPPING= kidnapping bank oficials family so they take the money for you, then releasein them unharmed

Edited by wetdogsmell
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'An apology by the Pope will be an admission of guilt and leave the Catholic church wide open to legal claims of compensation and dragging the church through the mire. The damage that would cause is incalcuble.'


It's called justice.


'But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.'

True. But at what cost?


I'm not saying I agree with it but justice has to be balanced against much more than personal grievances.


Justice does need to be carried out. But by whom and how?







Old Bailey ning



So you reckon they should go easy on child raping priests? What way do you balance justice against child rape? Sorry but in my eyes child rape is the lowest of the low and those that turn a blind eye to it or try to make excuses for it are f*****g scum.


paedophile ning.


Not at all!


To be harsh about it; I think the americans would call it collateral damage. This is how the vatican are viewing it. (IMO)

I'm not agreeing with it, it is just the way things are.

The culprits should be punished. No doubt. The darkest corner of hell should be reserved for these people. (I truely believe that it will be, by the way).

The catholic church and the pope have a following of millions. They do many things that are for the benefit of the world as a whole eg Hostels for the orphans of Rio de janero which stop the abuse of these children.

I suspect that this is the reasoning behind their reluctence to publicise the atocities commited by a few.

I also believe that the vatican has made a huge PR gaff by not dealing with the issue.

The thread was about the visit. I beleive that if he is allowed to come and attempt to right the wrongs then he should be allowed. He should also put forward the abusers for prosecution and distance the church from them.






the one and only Ning

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'He should also put forward the abusers for prosecution and distance the church from them.'


This will never happen. It would bankrupt the Vatican. Although the Nazi treasure in the vaults must be worth a right bit now :whistling:

I agree and how would bankrupting the church be a good thing?



Nazi treasure?



curious ning

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Good replies all. There are two important points not yet raised.


Certainly paedophiles occur in all walks of life, but only the Catholic Church is exclusively celibate. I am not claiming that celibacy leads to paedophilia but are paedophiles attracted to the church because of the opportunities?


The Pope has yet to say the hardest word: "SORRY". He has tried to cover up, then when the extent of the abuse became clear he walked all around the houses to avoid apologising. I am willing to accept for the sake of argument that he is personally in the clear but can he not apologise on behalf of the Church of which he is leader?


I don't think we are getting off topic. All these questions are relevant to whether he should make his visit.



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As a non-catholic I was lucky enough to vist Rome a couple of years ago and was lucky enough to secure an offer of a Papal audience which I attended with my wife who is Roman Catholic!


As a member of Church of Scotland (Protestant) I deemed the offer as a great honour and my wee mrs was over the moon As a non-catholic I took no part in any religous aspects of the audience


This visit should be seen mainly as a pastoral visit for the UK's practicsing Catholic congregations, should go ahead and be treated accordingly,


The paedophile priest issue raise's the question of the Pope's infallibilty! according to Catholic tradition the Pope cannot be wrong? in issues relating to the church? In the instances of these priests he was wrong? but thats another issue! Those priests should never have been given the anonimity and security offered by the present Pope when he was a Cardinal, they should have been identified to the prosecuting authoroties at the time and been severely punished by the criminal courts and to hell with the embarrassment percieved by the church



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