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cut pad

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just had my sisters 6 yr jrt to the vets cos she has a nasty cut pad. its cut right in two. the vet dressed it but we have to take her back in the morn to have it stitched. just wondering if anyone has any problems with the pads healing properly after a nasty cut like this , cos the vet said you only really get one try at getting them to heal properly, otherwise you can start having problems. :icon_eek:

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had both terriers and lurchers with split pads, salt water to keep it clean morning and night then if you take out working get some terrimysin which is used on sheep feet and keep spraying it on until the day is done, deffo speeds up recovery

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Same here with the split pads mine have done it a couple of times. All I do is the same as everyone else except I use Hibiscrub It's the stuff surgeons wash themselves with before playing inside you.



My staff caught herself on a piece of discarded barb two days ago sliced herself good a proper it dosen't need stitching luckily just a good clean with hibiscrub a couple of times a day and boiled and mushed nettles applied (which is an astringent) and removed to relieve itching.


Just curious why the vets didn't stitch it there and then if it needs stitching????

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just had my sisters 6 yr jrt to the vets cos she has a nasty cut pad. its cut right in two. the vet dressed it but we have to take her back in the morn to have it stitched. just wondering if anyone has any problems with the pads healing properly after a nasty cut like this , cos the vet said you only really get one try at getting them to heal properly, otherwise you can start having problems. :icon_eek:

make a 'brew' of rosemary, 1 tablespoon of the dried herb, in 1/2pint of cold water bring to a boil, let it cool, bathe affected area twice a day, when healed, bathe all pads with surgical spirit to harden them off


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Salt water morning and night then either iodene,terrimysin or equine purple spray when the salt water has dried has always done the trick for me mate.Simlar to one of the other posters on this thread my salukixgreyhound split one three weeks ago and this was the worst I've seen but its now like new with salt water and purple spray and he'll be back running as soon as this bloody frost goes.

Good luck mate


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just had my sisters 6 yr jrt to the vets cos she has a nasty cut pad. its cut right in two. the vet dressed it but we have to take her back in the morn to have it stitched. just wondering if anyone has any problems with the pads healing properly after a nasty cut like this , cos the vet said you only really get one try at getting them to heal properly, otherwise you can start having problems. :icon_eek:

let it lick it f**k the vet

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i know alot of boys whos dogs feet been split exetra and they use this stuff from the chemist i cant remember wat its called but their little purple tablets and u stick them in hot water 10 mins front and back pads each day for a week and u would be shocked i was its 20 pond a bottle but well worth ith hells and toughns in no time sorry i cant help with the name but if u discribe it to a farmacist they will know wa ur on abiut straight away



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