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harris hawk


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i have a female harris hawk i have got her flying hard to the fist on every whistle and following at 2lb 2 onze but i had her out with my friends female harris .hunting rabbits but when rabbit has bolted the harris does not seem to be interested in the rabbit.she has baited a couple of times but has decided to fyl away from it .any help

Edited by soapy
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Number of things you can do mate as your bird is pretty young


Use a dummy bunny lure and get the bird used to hitting a lure

Otherwise drop the weight a fraction and bolt as many rabbits for it as you can but I would fly it on its own as opposed to in a cast until it learns to kill.

Feed it on a dead rabbit so that it associates it with being a source of food.



Hope this helps

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i have gave it a fresh rabbit which i caught yesterday then brought it weight down to 2.2 today then flused a rabbit today and she showed no interest in chaseing



get it chasing a dummy bunny first and nailing that all the time aslo try putting her up a tree and bolt some under her

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in my back garden have tried her with a dummy rabbit she doesent seem to bother she looks as if she is going to go for it but she doesent .as for the trees she goes in some and not others then she flys on roof any more help any one

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in my back garden have tried her with a dummy rabbit she doesent seem to bother she looks as if she is going to go for it but she doesent .as for the trees she goes in some and not others then she flys on roof any more help any one



build her confidence up on it start by putting a tit bit or half a chick on it dont pull it or move it let her drop down on it let her feed on it then practice trading off the kill , next try it again but moivng it slowly , then you want to aim for is running full pelt down a feild with her up your ars e and nailing it ,



as for flying on roof tops where is your hunting ground ???? but she will get better flying into trees with more experiance , also she is youngester so dont exepct her to be a killing machince on your first outing it takes time and a bond to have a good bird in the feild

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Some birds take longer than others to get into rabbits, Its hard to give any advice without seeing the bird. You said you have a friend with a Harris, what does he say about the bird.It may require the bird's weight being dropped temporarily or it may need to go up a bit, as i said its difficult without being there.Its just a pity its not late summer with loads of youngsters about. Then your bird could have picked her own prey.It may just be a confidence thing.



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