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Guest the techno viking

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Guest the techno viking
lived in South Africa for a while and seen some spiders that would turn your arsehole insideout. No shit, the size of a dinner plate lol :icon_eek:

thats me ruling south africa out for a holiday then!!!!!!!!!!

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came home after walking the hounds one nite and aproaching the front door, the ridgeback X went berserk. Was like somethig from the ametyville. Spooked the shit out of Me and the wife. THEN WE SAW IT! Above the front door was an 8" Rain spider. neither the wife or the dog would move, so it was clear I had to kill it or remove it. So, I got a broom from the garage, and smacked it with all I had. On inspecting the broom, I realised I'd missed and the fecker was nowhere to be seen. spent the night at my folks house only to find out they can jump upto 15 feet..........scary :icon_eek::blink:

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Guest the techno viking
came home after walking the hounds one nite and aproaching the front door, the ridgeback X went berserk. Was like somethig from the ametyville. Spooked the shit out of Me and the wife. THEN WE SAW IT! Above the front door was an 8" Rain spider. neither the wife or the dog would move, so it was clear I had to kill it or remove it. So, I got a broom from the garage, and smacked it with all I had. On inspecting the broom, I realised I'd missed and the fecker was nowhere to be seen. spent the night at my folks house only to find out they can jump upto 15 feet..........scary :icon_eek::blink:
f*****g defo aint going now!!!!!!!! on a serious note my mate is working at a wildlife park in guateng in south africa do you know that area??????? he loves it and spiders so in his element!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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came home after walking the hounds one nite and aproaching the front door, the ridgeback X went berserk. Was like somethig from the ametyville. Spooked the shit out of Me and the wife. THEN WE SAW IT! Above the front door was an 8" Rain spider. neither the wife or the dog would move, so it was clear I had to kill it or remove it. So, I got a broom from the garage, and smacked it with all I had. On inspecting the broom, I realised I'd missed and the fecker was nowhere to be seen. spent the night at my folks house only to find out they can jump upto 15 feet..........scary :icon_eek::blink:
f*****g defo aint going now!!!!!!!! on a serious note my mate is working at a wildlife park in guateng in south africa do you know that area??????? he loves it and spiders so in his element!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes mate. I lived in Natal And the Cape. Natal is sub tropical so its feckin nuts for snakes, spiders and scorpions

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We all know that on average, most people injest a few spiders a year while sleeping. Extra protein while you're dreaming :whistling:


... I don't mind spiders. In fact I find them facinating - when they're on the other side of glass or outside :laugh:

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Even the garden spider can give you a nip as the one i felt on the back of my neck wile pruning a rose bush did wile brushing it of.But i love seeing their some times very large web stretched across various shrubs and plants.I even feed them with crane flies [daddy long legs] to see them in action am just happy their only small :icon_eek::laugh: atb dell

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Hmmm, I have a bit of a love hate thing going on with spiders... I've been bitten by a little light brown stripey one that was inside my rubber glove in the milking parlour years ago, and it felt like a wasp sting, (i always checked my gloves after that)!!

And I dont like splatting spiders cos they make a mess.... Usually transferd by means of a glass and a sheet of card.... If they are really big and scary, the hoover works a treat... you can actually feel some of them hitting the sides of the tube!

All that said and done, I have a really impressive cartwheel spider in the bottom of my big vase, that I've been feeding flies every now and again :laugh:

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i dont like them much but for the most part ill leave them alone unless i get a big old garden spider in then out comes the airsoft pistol! lol!





made me think about a conversation I was having with a work mate last week, we were talking about shotguns, he says he has a 9mm "garden gun" a little shotgun for those that aint heard of them, when asked what he shot with it, he replied, spiders are good, but it leaves a few marks on the wall :laugh:

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