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where are the fox-terriers.

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20 years ago my dad had a couple french bloodlined two colourd fox-terriers, they work like hell and stonehard. After getting sick (and a son with other things to do) he stopped his kennel(fox, lakeland, djt, and a mix of that) and now there is just 1 guy in belgium who works fox-terrier (again french bloodlines!) on nutria and fox, and also wild boar.

I ask myself, does nobody works them anymore in Brittan? Sometime's you can see them here, walking with someone who thinks he's walking with a poodle, lazy, fat, huge. Not the kind of FT, that I remembered from my childhood, game, keen, racy, hard badger dogs.

Where are they?? (I miss that bloody caracters!)

Edited by targa
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Have they ever been really worked over here in a digging sense?


Those of you who have read the old "Field" magazines from the turn of the twentieth century might remember there being a long public argument about the merits of the Sealyham over the Fox Terrier and whihc was the better badger dog, but back then they weren't talking about the "Fox Terrier" as the breed we know it as today, they were talking about fox terriers i.e. white bodied terriers which later became known as the homogenous group we now refer to as the Jack Russell.


Waz is the man to speak to as I believe some of his Gallic pals work them?


There's some Finnish gadgi on here who digs with them too....sorry, can't remember his name

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would the dogs often boult badgers from setts or is it a rare occurence. would it be a typical reaction or would it require and particulary hard dog to do it. like a soft dog can boult a fox from the right place but then foxes are much quicker to get away over ground. i have seen pics of your fox terrier santeri looks very useful are there plenty of workers in finland

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Yes there are a good few workers here. Fox terrier was the first working terrier brought to Finland in the late 1800's.


My dog has bolted some badgers. This time of year they sometimes bolt but rarely in the winter, because there's usually a lot of snow and the badgers stay in their setts all winter. Once my terrier has bolted a badger in the winter.

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you shoot the badgers with a pistol isnt that right, what happens if they bolt do they just get away or do you shoot them or have catch dogs. also is there tb in finland in cattle

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you shoot the badgers with a pistol isnt that right, what happens if they bolt do they just get away or do you shoot them or have catch dogs. also is there tb in finland in cattle


We use shotguns (for bolters, otherwise pistols and revolvers), no catch dogs. No tb in cattle.



Edited by santeri
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Guest oldskool

ooh nice photo :) ...... why can we not have more photos like that on here??? them guys are allowed to do it so why cant they brag about it a bit??? :)

Edited by oldskool
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interesting about the tb. and i suppose there is alos a healthy wild population of badgers. lessons could be learned from the northern neighbours. is there a hunt exam and licence same as france santeri of is it passed down from generation to generation

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interesting about the tb. and i suppose there is alos a healthy wild population of badgers. lessons could be learned from the northern neighbours. is there a hunt exam and licence same as france santeri of is it passed down from generation to generation


I don't know about the french exam or license. We have a hunting test, with any quarry living in earths, raccoon dog, badger of fox. And we have test in artificial earths, made out of plywood with fox.

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