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About santeri

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. How do you guys guess the size a terrier pup is going to be as an adult? Do you usually get it right? I've got a tightly lined russel pup, sire about 14½ inch, dam about 12½. It's a dog pup, now 4 months. He's now just over 12 inches. How big do you think he'll be? I'm guessing/hoping 14 hopefully not much over.
  2. You can order the B&F system only direct from them. Very good service.
  3. It depends, when hunting raccoondogs, the dog can be hard, mute even, but when digging badger (it's legal here) I prefer a bayer that doesn't mix too much. And since you almost never know when the dog finds a badger, I usually prefer a bayer/mixer. For now it's a smooth fox terrier, and I have a German jagdterrier growing up, most likely to turn out mute, and a russel pup to have another badgerdigging dog.
  4. Gave my pup something to think about.
  5. I've dug with Deben MK1 this far, and now my new B&F set is on the way to Finland. Had a couple of digs with a friends B&F and nothing beats it at the moment.
  6. HumanTranslator v. 0.01 Hi! I wonder if any of you terriermen of USA know if the Deben mk3 is a good locator?
  7. I use a KC foxterrier underground. There are quite many of them here that still do the job.
  8. At least here in Finland there are "Working Jack Russels" under JRTCGB-Finland and dogs out of same lines "Parson Russel Terriers" under FCI register. So they made that parsonbreed up to get in FCI shows and competitions. There are dogs with Meynell blood here both in parsos and russels. The finnish russelmen appreciate Meynell very highly.
  9. If you meant me, a bully type russel or strong lakie/pat. Not too big, preferably hard. I know you can't tell all that of a pup, but out of parents with those qualities.
  10. Bring me a good bitch pup from there on the islands and I'll take you to a badgerdig.
  11. I don't know about the french exam or license. We have a hunting test, with any quarry living in earths, raccoon dog, badger of fox. And we have test in artificial earths, made out of plywood with fox.
  12. We use shotguns (for bolters, otherwise pistols and revolvers), no catch dogs. No tb in cattle.
  13. Here in Finland you can't buy a pure-bred working terrier for under 450 euros. That sucks.
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