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Everything posted by gunter

  1. Brilliant not enough men test the greyhounds they breed from good to see good fit looking bitch
  2. Nice pup shame about the rest of the litter good luck with him
  3. Old dog good one got some stuff with him
  4. Well this is only my opinion on it .... you bring young dogs out the majority will hoke about at a rabbit or smell at them it would be really foolish and stupid to me to write a dog off for hoking about at one at a young age it comes with experience and schooling them ..I do not hunt rabbits if the hound terriers look at them they get a clipping and they know not to....and if they kept it up they wouldn't get to many chances till they got put in a hole either but I'd give them a couple of chances for poking about at a rabbit... if they walked out the once I'd read them there rights
  5. Fs it's a 4 month old terrier pup common sense lads it's only of the tit it's a baby but it's not like you'll be using it for a digging dog but at that age fs it wouldn't know what's happening so no need to hold it back let it grow up be a pup and when ever you see it switch on a bit start giving him a couple of rats out of trap before you know it he'll be on the job on his own
  6. We were out one day and a man's terrier went in we dug down and it was pulling on something...the man said she's some bitch lads .. he was well pleased...until he pulled the rabbit out he got some abuse lol
  7. Cheers mate just rear them for a year now see what the crack is hopefully they work out
  8. Wee pups 5 and a half weeks old and dog and bitch
  9. Sportdog Tek 1 collars have two of them good condition lost box for it when out replaced it with Garmin if anyones any use for them offers good or bad
  10. My friend is breeding his 2 white Lakeland types pm me
  11. Surprised your pup has any pads on it the miles you walk
  12. Picture a pack of hounds being dog aggressive not good they'd have there rights called out and rightly so ...manners is what they need to learn and letting them away with it cause you love them or like a feisty dog is bullshit especially when bushing bit of poly pipe soon learn him
  13. See a working dog fighting dogs it's just a liability guess if your digging you can control that but for your line of work bushing hunting your dog needs to be off the lead to do it you'll either be breaking it off your pals dogs or if you bump into someone walking there dog will get it don't get why you'd want a feisty one for bushing rabbits anyway give it a good timbering put manners into it
  14. gunter


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