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About bullcross10

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Togher harriers were there friday and had good hunting! A good end to a good's week hunting with different packs!
  2. Well if you dont ask you will never get anything but i know its a longshot so no harm in asking about!
  3. The terrier classes were awful. You could count the dogs on 1 hand for most of the classes! 1 patterdale dog in the class and the owner walked away proud as punch holding the rossette. The champion of champions was good at the end with a few dogs marked up and showed that they met quarry [BANNED TEXT] and the black dog that won had a mark or 2 aswell. Anyway had a good 2 nights camping on de grounds so all was not so bad!!!☺
  4. I cant wait for the show either and we are camping too. It would be nice to meet new doggy men to share a few stories over the campfire and a few bottles of beer!
  5. I was at the show and i keep lurcher's and the judge was fair to all. He picked the best in show so to me dat's wat it's all about! He know's his stuff. Enjoy the coming season!
  6. Beagle pups available in Ireland tho??
  7. Nice russells doin wat they do best!
  8. Working beagles are hard to come by! Try crossing your own beagles with something else so the pups will be more suitable for ya! Springer/Terrier!
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