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Everything posted by lad101

  1. Very interested in this will keep an eye out for any good litters
  2. Bet they would be a handy fox dog pre ban.. I was talkin deer grey to bull grey
  3. any pics mate? whats his maturing like?
  4. anyone work this cross that could share experience in training them and about them maturing ect
  5. i think its all down to training mate .. someone could buy a a dog out of best 2 dogs around but could still end up poop if not trained right.. you could have a dog whos the best dog in the country and could ave a bitch whos the best bitch in the country doesnt mean the pups will turn out like them all down to you
  6. saw this dog on google images just wounderin how much bull is in and what blood lines? looks in real good shape fairplay http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=677&q=greyhoundsa&oq=greyhoundsa&gs_l=img.3..0l10.2204.3396.0.3468.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47008514
  7. 6 and half she is so twice a day be good then
  8. cheers mate il ave a look round for best puppy mixes mate how much meat should i be feeding her?
  9. should be a cracking dog when older mate wouldn mind a collie whippet grey .. i got a saluki bull grey and wont ave anothe dog now till this is is 6 or 7 then il breed her for one of her pups atb mate
  10. how much meat do you feed your lurcher pups? and what meat will be best? which dog biscuits would be best? right now i feed awkwright chicken. thinking about getting alpha one any advice please?
  11. let your lurcher sort it out mate
  12. Thats what I was thinking would they lack strength to finish them off
  13. Any know what a collie whippet greyhound was like on foxes preban?
  14. anyone works pure salukis at night with lamp or do everyone just keep them for day time? aint heard anyone on here talk about lamping with them
  15. all comes down to trust and bond and the relationship with u and ur dog mate
  16. i love this breed got a pup now 6 and half months 23 and half tts shes bred saluki bull grey x grey wens shes about 5 il be after another 1 but prefable more saluki and bull as the 1 i got now like works out 3/4 grey 1/8 saluki 1/8 bull
  17. i had same prob mate with my pup its 7 months old [BANNED TEXT] i ad her she never been on lead or anything wouldnt listen to me so i took her for short walks on the lead and spend loads of time with her within a week she walks fine on lead and comes back straight away as soon as i say her name 1s.. she only listens to me and no one else.. she has a bit of saluki in her
  18. I'm looking to buy a pup no older thab 8 weeks I would want the breedin to be saluki bull greyhound. Would prefer a pure saluki over a halfcross bull greyhound but wouldn't mind how it was bred aslong as its just a saluki bull grey and parents are working anyone now of any pups?
  19. I've decided to to with the beddy bull grey and he's doing all quarry he's 27" tts very strong but racey and my bitch is 26"tts not as strong but is a lot faster so hoping they will turn out fast and fast they age 5 and 6 so ad a good few seasons under them
  20. Thinking of breeding my bitch she's a saluki bull grey was thinking of putting a beddy bull grey over her? As I seem he's a good working and so is she . Any one got this mix? Or would it be better breeding same as her
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