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Tom Crichton

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Everything posted by Tom Crichton

  1. If you are going to Weston park game fair I will bring one with me you can have it for free...atb Thanks for thr offer mate but Ime not going to weston park Change of plan ive got a mate picking it up
  2. If you are going to Weston park game fair I will bring one with me you can have it for free...atb Thanks for thr offer mate but Ime not going to weston park
  3. Will they come all wired up from the electrical shop like deben?
  4. Thats not as easy as it seems mate being 13 years old
  5. If any one has any pictures that will be good aswell then I know what else to order rather than get the batteries and find out i need some other gear.Cheers lads
  6. Ah, thankyou paulus.Thats good that its all wired up because i would blow the fuse and everthing if i was doing it.Would i just need to add the cigar plug connection?
  7. Hi,I have been looking in the deben catalouge and the its says 12v 10ah battery,module from 1993 models with two 6v 10ah batteries.I have no clue what so ever on what it means so can anyone shed some light on it please? Thankyou
  8. Land is no problem we own a big farm.He probably wouldnt take it any were else.
  9. My dad is just going to get the licence now so no worries.Cheers lads
  10. They say they are for crimping terminals not ferrules
  11. hi,I am looking for some ratchet crimpers for crimping ferrules and stops onto fox snares and can not find any at a good price so does anyone know were to get some from below £40 All the best Tom.Crichton
  12. So could I get some shells of someone else and not just my dad?
  13. Hi,I am 13 and i do not hold a shotgun certificate but i was thinking of appling for one.I know it is legal for me to hold a shotgun but it is not legal for me to buy shells, will it be possible for me and my dad to walk into a gunshop(if i get granted a sgc) and for me to show my licence and for my dad to buy the shells
  14. Got it recorded Thanks again mate All the best Tom.Crichton
  15. Hi all,does anybody know were I can buy this dvd or has anyone got an old copy they could send me? all the best Tom.Crichton
  16. yes it would,go on ebay and find some ir sheets
  17. Tom Crichton


    Hahaha thats a good one
  18. my bar my iowas are made out of is 0.5 inch across the bottom if that makes any sense
  19. I get my snares from the lad thats teaching me to snare,he makes then.I am using in line snares.AND i wouldnt buy from Ian Woods because normally people have payed money and dont get there goods that they ordered.Thanks for the first reply,thats the bar i carnt find the one that the anchor slides over, got dimensions? Cheers
  20. Uk traps is the new pro trapper.Its Ian woods.Dont buy from him
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