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Everything posted by workingTeckel

  1. There has been a huge decline in the rabbit population. I was only talking with a farmer last week on this and they just seemed to have disappeared, one session we were taking 20-25 rabbits per outing on his lands of over 3000 acres but now you would not see 10 Rabbits on this land. And there is plenty of cover and Heavy ditches to hold them without being disturbed. In my 30yrs of hunting I have never seen it this bad, out of 15 spots that I used to ferret none are holding good numbers of rabbits.
  2. jIGSAW Does the guy who threatened you drive a red van with big white writing
  3. I had an issue very similar to yours when i had 2 guys down i also had permission and these lads were going on and on so i followed them back to their car and took their reg and told them if my van was touched then i would be looking for them and i didn't care if they did it i would hold them responsible and they would need fire extinguisher by their beds i never had an issue since. T
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