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Tam O'Void

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Posts posted by Tam O'Void

  1. Come on ! every Smack head I've Known ,has been a VICTIM of society,their upbringing,Abuse.....It ain't their FAULT that they HAVE to STEAL from their nearest and Dearest.

    Prostitute themselves and others on their behalf...Get on a Methadone programme at Everyone else Expense,then sell it for Proper Gear !!!

    Make their surroundings a shithole,not to mention the" WALKING DEAD "visitors at all hours of the night ....

    The least we can do is BUY the stolen stuff off them,they ain't Harming anyone..just trying to feed their Feral Kids....that Will, continue the cycle... :wallbash:

  2. Had an early start yesterday. So whilst waiting for wagon to pick me up ,light up the pipe at the front door (not allowed indoors with it!!) up to front gate walks a fox, SQUEEKS IT, and it stops for a look. Then from around the hedge another one appears, I give it another SQUEEK, in it comes!! I could have kicked it up the arse!! Click the lighter and they were off. Could this be a lucky omen????


    Five minutes later the hound wagon draws up and we're off on the 'mystery tour' :whistling: added a good quarter hour onto the journey. Would have been nice to have seen the sights, but most of the journey was taken up with the sun blaring in our eyes,talking pish!! and ignoring the sat nav :laugh:


    Arrived at destination to a few familiar faces and some not so. Even drove right past someones house on the way down, could have saved them a drive!!(That's communication for you).


    Anyhows, Guns set off to their spots and hounds are unboxed and walked up to the block. Get myself set up as a Back Stop 'in the shade of the firs', Freezing!!! Whilst to my left a couple of dogmen and a MULE sunning themselves. Not long and can hear Hounds up and Open!! Then off in to the distance and then silence (this was a big bit of forestry) bar a bit of radio traffic letting us know what's happening out of earshot. Hoping Hounds will turn back down towards me, a cold wait, with only the river at the back of me to break the silence. A crackle of the radio and the shout to move on to the next block. Hounds are still hunting away sporadically as the horns blown!!


    Need to get myself up to new spot, well if you've had to cross a newly felled block, you'll know!! I wasn't looking forward to this 'the SOMME looked smoother' Me and Rooster pup ,up and down amongst the tree fell and murky waterlogged peat holes, whilst radio cracklin' 'where am I?' and instructions from the Old Man of Wisdom. ;) I finally arrived, puffin and pantin, at the log pile with a few smiling face,One just got a Fox from their vantage point, asking me if I was feeling the heat? My face had steam coming off it. Dressing for standing and then doing a hike aint bright!!! :icon_redface:


    A Lucozade Tab later, thanks *** :thumbs: I was right as rain. A few more blows on the horn and all the Hounds were in. Now on to the next block. A few words to the wise from a young local regarding the position of dens I walk myself in with the Hounds and got set up as a back gun. This time a sunny spot!! Not long and the Hounds are On again, Singin away Merrily.


    Hadn't long to wait and a fox appears to my right at the edge of the block, too far out for a shot!! But it looks as if it 'bedded down' in the reed bed, so I slowly edge forward, NOPE!, its headed back up the gully. I start to walk back to my spot 'arse over head' I go, lucky no one saw me :icon_redface:;) Hounds appear in full voice on the line of the fox. It appears again and up over the river, through a farmyard and onto a bit of cover. Radio out, and let Wilbur and Co. know what's happening. A crackle and then the Old Man of Wisdom back on 'Get up there pronto. If they head over that road it'll be a week before your see them!!!'


    Off on another hike, people appearing from all directions to keep hounds in sight and in line. Hound open up again, swinging back into a gully and back to the forestry. At this point containing Hounds was a priority with another hunt going on away back at the start. Huntsmen finally get up and Hounds are back under close supervision and let to hunt on for another good stretch. Finally the day is closed, Hounds counted in, gladly ol' Signal is in as he's usually one of the last, so a pretty quick catch up is done.


    Hounds gave a good account of themslves and a few shots fired and foxes accounted for. Met up again and had a natter with a few old faces again and the half bottle disappeared pronto!! Wasn't driving so was able to sample what old *** hadn't swallowed. Calm my nerves after a youngster :bye: had got me at 50 year old ! :shok: .....me being young and spritely too :D I can't remember if I was that gallus at that age? :whistling: and an End to another uneventful day out :rolleyes:

    And the answer to the Question "Is it a Fox only Dog ?" should always be ..." NO! IT DOES RABBIT aswell" ;)

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  3. My oldest was a Big Fan ,an he's only 9...used to watch his shows with his Gran...bawled his eyes out when he saw on Newsround he had died ..

    Gran Turtle got him all the books D.v.D.s' still into that stuff..

    Made things so entertaining and interesting for Kids ..but with a realisim ,unlike that Mad South African ,that jumped out of Helicopters to catch a Snake :blink:

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