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Tam O'Void

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Posts posted by Tam O'Void

  1. To Scot / Shh ,Sociopaths ,don't have feelings as Such..Emotions are learnt responces for them...Every day people ,,that can Lie,Carry out tasks with composure..that fellow citizens would baulk at ....I high numer of Successful business men women have thes traits ,unknown to them..that is why they can make decisions will no human element Tainting it ! ;)

  2. This time it will be down to the people.






    Fareweel our ancient glory;

    Fareweel e'en to the Scottish name,

    Sae famed in martial story.

    Now Sark runs o'er the Solway sands,

    And Tweed runs to the ocean

    To mark where England's province stands

    ---> Such a parcel of rogues in a nation. <----

    What force or guile could not subdue

    Through many warlike ages

    Is wrought now by a coward few

    For hireling trators' wages.

    The English steel we could disdain,

    Secure in valor's station,

    But English gold has been our bane

    Such a parcel of rogues in a nation.

    O would, or I had seen the day

    That treason thus could sell us

    My auld grey head had lain in clay

    Wi' Bruce an' loyal Wallace.

    But pith and power, till my last hour

    I'll make this declaration,

    ----> we're bought and sold for English gold <-----

    Such a parcel of rogues in a nation.



    Burns was a ROUGE ...He'd been in JAMACIA .if it wasn't for the gold he got offered here ...and all them bairns & wemin would have been sending Post cards ..National Bard ... :huh: wonder who put him on that PEDASTAL.. :hmm: thats right HE's the Goodfellows Bard aswell ... :laugh: :laugh: Nae wonder WEE ECK Loves him ..He's a GOD :D
  3. It's the f*****g bullshit the snp spin. Take our submarine fleet. He wants them out of Scotland. " why should we have all the nukes" he says. Well one thing he fails to mention. The mod pay Scotland rent annually for basing our subs there, and have done for decades. I'm not entirely clued up, but it's something to do with deep lochs and they can get inland. So therefore we will lose that income. Also does he think if they went off by accident or war that we wouldn't be unscathed. Lol if they go off every citizen on this island will be affected.


    There's no chance of them going off by accident Scot, I think the worry is that if we entered into a conflict with a serious enemy our sub base would be a major target with them being such an effective weapons system. But feck it, that's hardly a major risk and the benefit of being part of the British Forces outweighs that i would have thought. Those subs/bases have the worlds finest guarding them.

    And PAINTING THEM :laugh: :laugh:
  4. post-8037-0-62945400-1349865307.jpg



    Not a BROUGE & Tatershall in sight :cray::whistling:


    Err... No Tam...!!


    That summer Clarissa & Johnny had been to the Cheshire show, where the club had been asked to have a pitch promoting itself and working dogs, which we did. As we knew Clarissa & Johnny well, through the episode of their programme, naturally they came over for a natter.


    They had a new book out and I had purchased it earlier and when they spotted it they said they'd sign it (I didn't have to ask!). Johnny signed his with a 'Bollocks to Blair', which was the war cry of that year and pulled me to one side, handing the book to Clarissa, to talk about my lurchers, which he remembered from the previous summer and was very keen on.


    Meanwhile, Clarissa was whipping up the young lads in the club about the forthcoming march on London. She thought it was great fun for a mob of young scousers to go mad in the capital. She wrote in the book, 'Together we'll storm the ramparts of Westminister'... and... thats exactley what we were dressed for!!!! :D

    Bosun,not a Slight ,Thought I was the ONLY one not Dressed for the Occasion. Sea of Green ....

    my attire for the Day .. :thumbs:


  5. Could Go It alone ,But WHY ! should we.....Free Thinking ,Gaelic speaking BRITISH ....can't see anything Wrong with that ...

    WHY is it Cheered if your Black British.....and Frowned upon if your Celtic/British :hmm:

    And Moo if your Plan was to WORK ..the Place would be like an ENGLISH colony :laugh: there the only ones that can Afford to LIVE there.. :icon_redface:

    • Like 1
  6. There has been many cases of facebook prosicutions.So he isnt the first and will not be the last. If you make an uncalled for remark on ANY internet site weather it be facebook,twitter,hunting life or any other, then the powers to be have the power to prosicute. Its simple really, dont be a sicko joke teller and dont be racists and dont be a bully as WE ARE in a big brother world and somebody is allways watching you no matter who you are............

    We Have ALWAYS lived in a BIG BROTHER STATE....before the WWW.. if you took certain books out of A PUBLIC library...they would be "FLAGGED"..then you would be under Scrutiny ..mail ,etc intercepted.. The State has used "SOFT INTEL",supplied by allsorts of Organisations "Fellowships"..being going on since day Dot !

  7. Was there ..that day ..also in 97 Hyde Park ....with the Late great JOCK TAIT ....




    Also across the BORDER...the day the Ban came in.. with Sir Johnny Scott,and Willy Poole.. :thumbs:


    Remember that banner, we were just in front of you that day, all the Rother Valley lads got a coach down great craic can't beleive it's 15 yr ago!

    Did you'se end up in the Pub ,with the Brae's o Derwent crowd? ..a few of our lot never made onto the bus...Think they ended up in Liverpool...

    Long way ...Scotland ,with everyone "Full" :cheers::guitar: then the :bad::laugh:

  8. Was there ..that day ..also in 97 Hyde Park ....with the Late great JOCK TAIT ....




    Also across the BORDER...the day the Ban came in.. with Sir Johnny Scott,and Willy Poole.. :thumbs:

    Just found this...and before anyone says(Wilbur) ! YES ! I'm still wearing the same Gear,quality lasts...or in other words NAE Money !




    Edit due to copying, :blink:

  9. Tell you what it ain't hard to get bites on this section.


    I spend all my spare time with smack heads and we even lamp together lol

    You ain't get a bite of me ...Just an observation.....and since you Know alot of Smackheads ...you will be aware of the two tier system of Smackhead...

    The Dealer/user....usually a working guy ,Holds down a half decent Job...takes a Puff! drink etc...Access to the good stuff...Looks reasonably Healthy and Co-hearant..

    The User/Jellyhead type ...scurries around allday lookin' for a bit of skag ..anyone thats got abit ...Needle sharer...general allround No -mark sell his Granny type.looks like shit and talks like ,AAAALLLLRIHTTTTTT mate whilst slavering .tell you anything you want to hear...Always your Buddy..till you tell them to F**K off ,then theyknow every Gangster in a 5 mile radius .an your getting Shot :cray:

    Been around both types and you KNOW what ..the difference is usually only TEETH :laugh:

    • Like 2
  10. Im sure the caption at the top of the clip didnt say anything about him being a smackhead.

    My reply was in Regards to SHH answer...but if you look at footage STORE GUY, ordinary working man ......Goes into SHOCK due to Witnessing Incident ...

    THIEF .....Bang ,down then up and Off! .Adrenaline,mixed with OPIATE = a Quick getaway..go figure. :hmm:

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