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Tam O'Void

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Posts posted by Tam O'Void

  1. Always found ,when they Kick in ,doesn't matter a jot ! what you do ,the Hump ! mode is in :yes: ,Even after a week of bitch out of season..

    Best bet ! next time round..remove either Bitch,or him BEFORE season Kicks in ...

    Kept in dark out of EARSHOT ! best bet for now...Topped up with RESCUE REMEDY... :icon_redface:;) or a few Halfs for yourself ,don't seem to notice dog being a Pain as much,for some Reason :laugh: :laugh:

  2. Grizzly(black/tan),& Boru.Half brothers,sired by a good dog Honcho.Honcho is a son of a real good dog,Cedar,who will be 16 yrs in Feb.

    You might get away with that in Michigan.. :whistling: but on Here :hmm: .....Get them on my Lakie post :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: nice dogs ...and a 16yr old worker ,cant happen !...well not on Thl anyway :D :D hope he's kept in the comfort he deserves. ;)

    Ps. Who are you rootin' for in the Play offs ...My bets on Atlanta for the wild card... :thumbs:

  3. tam,o a thought with you being young and sprite you would have walked there with mark from inveraray,now thats what i call a good walk inveraray to london

    was some feat ! big Dave in his wellies,Paul ,Mark and young Carl.and the OFFICIAL start was in Calderbeck in Cumbria..size of me ! I'd a got to Loch Fyne and And it would have felt like I'd walked to London :laugh: :laugh:
  4. If was my Granda n Da that got me into them! I always had them around me and had loads of me own untill I got into the dogs then I had no time for them. The kids have some Albino Frogs in the house ATM they are pretty cool to watch eating but other than that they dont do much. Would love one day to have a Bosc Monitor if I have the space for one :thumbs:

    The kids ,have a "GRAN TURTLE ",she's got to big Turtles.they fair can shift when the Suns been on them ...cost a bomb aswell !
  5. Go sit ontop of a Mountain,on a nice still warm day .SOLACE...Sun on your face .beautiful view.....then come down, in to the arms of your Family.....Then say there is no God....or Great plan... ;)




    Then get them all in a Car .....on the way Home you will meet HELL......and when there is a HELL ,there is also HEAVEN :laugh::thumbs:

  6. I love watching them old fighters......the fights were so pure and honest....................


    What belt is it if you dont mind me asking ?

    Don't Know.it was at an Awards function they attended on behalf of the Family ,I believe it was taken to Canada be them ....I'll Ask ..get back to you on it ..the Old fella still attends the Fights...Think they all grew up together..think there were Bookies in the family..one off them stories you get told while working away in Folks homes..

    Want a cuppa tea , when we was young etc...

    • Like 1
  7. My understanding it was a build up if gasses and neutrons. Got to remember when things go bang up there. It's f*****g nuclear bangs lol. It took I dunno how many years, but I'm guessing billions if not trillions. I've often pondered it myself, but it's way over my head. I mean what is space? Where did it come from? Does it go on for infinity, and if so, how do we know?

    The Bible tells You ... :laugh:;) if you know were to look ,but it's a Secret :D not for the Cowans of the world :whistling:
  8. The point I'm trying to make here is that you cannot have an objective & logical debate on the existance of God, it's impossible to do scientifically. You either have faith or you don't. Faith isn't a function of logic, it's just faith......


    You have to have a lot of 'faith' in science to believe that everything originated from absolutely nothing and for no reason.


    If I had a hidden dice and told you to have faith that it would roll a 10 would you?


    Yet if I showed you my dice and you saw that all 6 sides had 10 printed on then would you have faith that it would roll a 10?


    That's a simple analogy to the difference between faith in God and faith in science....


    I'm not really sure about your analogy, but I am tired and slightly retarded so forgive me :laugh:


    This question comes down to the same answer...no one knows. It has to be the oldest debate going. To me the idea that the universe, life, consciousness etc all came from nothing and happened purely by chance with no creator or intelligent designer seems to me more unrealistic than there being a possible creator. Just to clear up I don't subscribe to any mainstream religion, I just leave the door open for a deistic god.


    What existed before the big bang? What was outside of the singularity? Nothing? Literally nothing?


    Whatever side of the fence you sit on it is certainly a great topic, but one I am leaving at that. At least for tonight :D These kind of chats are much easier and more enjoyable in person :victory:


    Good night and God bless :tongue2:




    You're testing my limited knowledge and understanding to the very limit now. I don't know I'm just a poxy half rate Physicist that works in industry. Our current 'belief' is that there was not nothing as you put it, all the universe was there just following a different set of rules to what it does now. High energy particle physics is the only way forward with these sort of questions, there are a number of competing hypotheses. It's right a forfront of modern Physics and tbh the answers aren't coming next week. :thumbs:



    Edited to add; when I say 'all the universe was there' I mean all of it's constituent parts, all of the energy. It just followed different laws, not the same ones that govern most of what we see. The Forces behaved differently. God?................. :D:laugh:

    What about the "INVISIBLE EMPIRE" then , THEN there is the notion of a Parralle Universe :hmm:did Einstein not believe this ?
  9. Liam I thought the :whistling: applied sarcasm to the statement!!!!clearly not enough,I used a blue dog as I wanted a blue bitch pup,my choice!! Vixen I assure you people do lie on KC reg papers,its common knowledge but nobody mentions it,I even know somebody who bred in a complete outcross,registered the litter and sold/priced them accordingly,you are very naive if you beleive this doesnt go on!!is it correct the KC have stopped registering father/daughter and mother/son litters if this is so I assure you there will be more dodgy litters than ever.As for putting a dog down for a genetic weakness Liam even though it works well,I think that says a lot about you.If it was mine I wouldnt breed it at all,but if I wanted too it would be to a complete outcross,and I stand by my statement,most on here would not be able to name many generations in their pups breeding!


    i didn't say it didn't go on in the KC northernlad, i said the people i take anything to do with and KNOW have never done it, the dog world is full of lies whether they are kc, non kc, puppy farm bred, pet bred, and not forgetting work bred...........some of us are honest and some not when it comes to dogs, as i have said many times........a pedigree is only as honest as the person who wrote it!!

    Vixen ,I may be getting this wrong ..i apologize if I am ...,but are you not involved with the NWDA.. then If you are .Is the cause of your clubs grief not been proven on numerous times ..Guilty of such crimes....Think I highlighted it once or twice and was slated for doing it ?
  10. The point I'm trying to make here is that you cannot have an objective & logical debate on the existance of God, it's impossible to do scientifically. You either have faith or you don't. Faith isn't a function of logic, it's just faith......


    You have to have a lot of 'faith' in science to believe that everything originated from absolutely nothing and for no reason.


    Nothing? And yes I do have faith in science but that's because it has proven itself time over. So it is completely likely that everything is explainable by science.....

    So does that make you Like TOM CRUISE ....a Scienceoligist... :laugh: Have you a Jumbo
  11. Malt raises an interesting point, define God? For me the only definition is an Intelligent being in control of all the Universe/Universes unexplainable by science. You can't call all the forces of nature or a grand unified theory God, because it's not, it's science. That's a bit of cop out for me, as bad as the religious lot changing their beliefes to fit science.

    I was just throwing that into the conversation, it's not something I actually believing myself, I was just throwing a theory in to fit the facts but I can't see why you couldn't. The universe itself is most definitely the creator and definately omnipresent, what more could you want in an all powerful deity? :laugh: Saying you can't call it god because it's 'science' is like saying you cant call a dog a dog because science describes it as canis lupus familiaris. What's in a name? It all comes back again to what you define 'god' as.


    Aye, I understand your point malt. I was simply saying that to change the definition of god to be the same as science is a huge cop out and a change of tune from 200 years ago. It was just my opinion like. It's just another reason you can't have an debate on the existance of God, if you can't define God precisely how the hell can you argue Gods existance? :laugh:


    It's so un bloody scientific! :laugh:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV0hUldrYp4&feature=related ;)
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