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Little Butch

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Everything posted by Little Butch

  1. Cheers, ive made one out of some stainless wire Leon
  2. What as the reason ?? I think it was crossed with a rough coated russell, sounds good. Where would i get a dgo like that though ? Leon
  3. Cheers but i dont like the beddy x whippets, they just look to skinny lol Ive just seen pics of poachers old staff x russel and isnt it a belter Would you buy a male or female dog if oyu were me ? Leon
  4. Ok, so its best to stay away from patterdales as i dont want a dog going to ground all the time. Leon
  5. Cheers for the replies I really like the look of staffs but would like a dog that is maybe a bit smaller and good at hunting, Thats why i asked about the staff x. Which dogs do they cross staffs with and what one would suit me ? (Able to hunt well in cover, Sleep out in the winter with me, lots of energy and fairly easy to train) Leon
  6. What about a jack russell x Staff ??? The staff in it would give the dog a bit more size and strength which i like and it would still have the russell hunter in it ??? Anybody got a pic of a broken coated jack russell x staff ? Leon
  7. Yeah i see where your coming from, i want a dog to mooch about with that will kill rats and hopefully the odd rabbit. Then i'll cook it over the fire in my lovely cozy cottage and chuck scraps to the dog Ok i'll stop dreaming now lol Leon
  8. The dog wont be going to ground or lamp so it doesnt need to be reall small or on the other hand pretty big so it can chase the Wabbits, When i say catch rabbits i mean bushing etc Leon
  9. Just checked out the beddy whippet etc and dont really like the look of them, too skinny, i would prefer a broken coated small - medium terrier Leon
  10. Will do a google search for the breeds you mention I do like terriers though Leon
  11. I will be getting me own dog in about a years time I know its not exactly close but i want to know what im gunna get so i can research it etc.. I want a medium sized dog which can be used to hunt rabbit and rats and maybe work with ferrets It will have to be hardy and able to sleep outside with me when i go camping. Know of any breeds or crossbreeds ? Leon
  12. Ok will check them out on amazon, cheers. Leon
  13. If you could reccomend one or two books about pochers and poaching what would they be ? Gunna get me a couple for Xmas Leon
  14. Cheers matey I am going to go around the farmers and ask if i can snare some rats and try and get the dog into it I know of a perfect place but its a private wood and your not aloud in there so no good really So im looking for rat holes and the runs ?? Im buying some rabbit snares for xmas, could i use these for rats aswell, if i set them lower and make the loop smaller ??? Leon
  15. Im rural Yeah we have lots of little streams that seperate the fields Do i have to set the snare in a specific place ? Cheers leon
  16. Ok will check places like that out what do bull terriers kill them too slow mate ? Leon
  17. I can see where ye coming from mate Yeah snaring would be great and i made a rat snare yesterday, Just need a good ratting place Leon
  18. I've got a small bull terrier and think she will make a great little ratter Whats the best way to get her started ??? Not sure of a good spot locally, what sort of places should i be looking for ??? Cheers Leon
  19. Nah i havent mate, ive got a slingshot though Leon
  20. I'd also like to know how, using my little bull terrier At the moment she seems to be obssessed with her tennis ball though Leon
  21. Would like to buy one as that looks great but doubt my mum would let me spend money on one She'd be like why the hell do you want that for Leon
  22. Just found some thick wire mesh in the garden and am thinking about making a simple live rat trap Any body got plans for one ?? What would i need ?? Cheers, Leon
  23. How high should it be set and how wide should the loop be ?? Do i have to find a certain place to set them ? Leon
  24. Cheers snareman, ive read your pinned threads and you obviously know your stuff It looks like im going to be needing to buy some things to make my snares. Where can i get it online ?? And exactly what will i need to make my snares, i want to make gooduns which will last Leon
  25. Might get that rabbit snaring dvd for x mas How long is that taler stork ? Leon
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