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About cadvice

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 12/10/1987

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    anything outside
  1. does that mean you can still fly fish and what happens when you catch a big chub on a fly
  2. so for the last 2 years haven't done that much fishing due to family reasons but decided to get a ticket this year.(only bass and Pollock fished last year in Anglesey what a place) so new license new ticket unfortunately the rivers are closed and no trout dams anywhere near so course fish only, after looking at my ticket found a place call finckle st damn or swamp res about 4.5 miles away packed a bag and set of walking at 7.00am got there at goin up to 9 started to set up and realised id left my float tube, s**t managed to pick sum cattails/bulrush what ever you call them took the stem fr
  3. you've probably made this now but freezing your sloes helps break the skin releasing the flavour and is quicker than pricking
  4. you don't need a press or sugar thats right as long as you pick your apples at the right time of the year they are loaded with sugar i normaly get around 6% cider without adding any or only a small amount. as for a press i use a car jack and a stone door way wedge a piece of wood aginst the top of the doorframe jack on a spreader board rack and cheese built on a tray on bricks small plumbing tank conector on the tray so you can divert the juice into your fermenter. cost maybe £30 works better than the cheep basket presses
  5. i'm guessing after you liquidised the apples etc you filtered the pulp [bANNED TEXT] demijohning. real cider isn't that differn't collect apples make sure the variety you get are fairly acidic (you could try to get real cider apples) if not add crab apples to balance. (i found the best way to make it taste like scrumpy was to use a third mix of crab's, cookers, and eaters gives it a nice ballance don't worry about been to precise.) chop into quaters (leave in skin and pips for tannin) crush first to help relase juice (use a scratter or place in a bucket and bash with a stick) pr
  6. us Yorkshire lads just get on with it. extract: During the Second World War, the German propagandist William Joyce, better known as ‘Lord Haw Haw' announced on German radio that food rationing was so bad in Yorkshire that people had resorted to eating ‘grass' you see we never say die
  7. glad to hear it bit off topic but i remember a old local chap who used to fish with wasp grub cake as we call it (bit hard to get hold of now) but he bought a load of a pest controller who'd poisoned the wasps and ended up poisoning a load of his fish in his mill pond with it poor chap wasn't happy.
  8. you make them exactly the same but longer and no ring id suggest getting some wire and making a triangle check these vids and you'll see what I mean saves cutting the ring off at the end. http://www.agouti-nets.co.uk/tutorials.htm the triangles also make it easier to knit because at some point the net will become so long you can't pull it tight you'll have to roll up your net and attach your knitting line in the middle of the net. hope this helps ian
  9. how long until they start giving two sentences for 1 crime you serve your time get released and then send u back down this country's f****d
  10. you need to think about this man u are missing even more after Sunday no nani, jones is a maybe evra picked up a knock should be ok i'd go 1-0 either way and i'm a united fan
  11. i don't poison anything mate i think it's disgusting
  12. I'm wanting a fair bit of gear off them though some interesting bits they sell.
  13. just saw a link and thought id post it up for you all. watched the first part of this a long while ago didn't realise it was on 4od enjoy. 1 man called Ed from Scotland all alone in the Canadian wilderness for 3 months living off the land will he survive http://www.channel4.com/programmes/alone-in-the-wild/4od Enjoy
  14. you champ moxy might have to set up account and order
  15. i already no about rod licenses it's more the rights for fishing the water the resi has shooting rights for wild fowling but I'll need to ring Yorkshire water to check if they will allow me to fish i guess, even though we have the access rights to the land. but the canal is club controlled tow path side I wasn't going to fish this in a boat no point not wide enough but if i fish the opposite bank from where my mate owns a mooring and the land behind it id have thought the rights would belong to him.(it is his land) I don't no if anyone on here runs a syndicate or club these are the
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